

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewcellstylevalue2

heightForRowAtIndexPath for longer NSStrings


I have a UITableView Grouped and need to calculate the height of two styles of cells UITableViewCellStyleDefault and UITableViewCellStyleValue2 . This is how I do it for UITableViewCellStyleDefault CGSize textSize 300.f 200000.0f CGSize size myTextString1 sizeWithFont.. textSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap size.height 30.0f result MAX size.height 44.0f And for UITableViewCellStyleValue2 CGSize textSize 207.f 200000.0f CGSize size myTextString2 sizeWithFont UIFont systemFontOfSize 14.0f constrainedToSize textSize.. just a line with a few words and for both CellStyles they have weird spacing above and below the text in the cell. For UITableViewCellStyleValue2 I got the width size 207.0f from making the text.backgroundColor red and then just calculating the size of the box. 300.0f..

Multi-line UITableViewCell using UITableViewCellStyleValue2 style


line UITableViewCell using UITableViewCellStyleValue2 style I'm trying to figure out how to replicate the UITableViewCellStyleValue2 style so that the detail text can be multiple.. line UITableViewCell using UITableViewCellStyleValue2 style I'm trying to figure out how to replicate the UITableViewCellStyleValue2 style so that the detail text can be multiple lines as seen in the 'address' cells in the Contacts app. Like the Contacts.. a trick or do I have to create a custom cell in IB How to ensure the text and detail text labels line up with other UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cells Thanks for any tips. iphone uitableview uitableviewcell uilabel uitableviewcellstylevalue share improve this question..

How to change the size of the labels on a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell? (UITableView iPhone)


to change the size of the labels on a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell UITableView iPhone I'm using a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell in my UITableView in my app and I want the left column.. to change the size of the labels on a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell UITableView iPhone I'm using a UITableViewCellStyleValue2 cell in my UITableView in my app and I want the left column the blue text self.textField to be much narrower than the default... iphone uitableview uitableviewcell share improve this question You can subclass UITableViewCell and still use UITableViewCellStyleValue2 . You can then overwrite the layoutSubviews method to change the size of the labels void layoutSubviews super layoutSubviews..

Default UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle font size?


textLabel Helvetica Bold size labelFontSize 17 px detailsLabel Helvetica Bold size systemFontSize 1 15 px UITableViewCellStyleValue2 textLabel Helvetica Bold size smallSystemFontSize 12 px detailsLabel Helvetica size labelFontSize 17 px share improve..

Default font size of UITableViewCell


textLabel Helvetica Bold size labelFontSize 17 px detailsLabel Helvetica Bold size systemFontSize 1 15 px UITableViewCellStyleValue2 textLabel Helvetica Bold size smallSystemFontSize 12 px detailsLabel Helvetica size labelFontSize 17 px UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle..