

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewcelleditingstyle

How can I make deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: work with GenericTableViewController?


delete a cell. I have the following code in my View Controller void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the managed.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the managed object. NSManagedObjectContext context wineryController managedObjectContext context deleteObject..

UITableView: deleting sections with animation


entire section if it is the last remaining row in that section void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete modelForSection.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete modelForSection is a custom model object that holds items for this section. modelForSection removeItem self itemForRowAtIndexPath..

reordering control in UITableView


the following methods BOOL tableView UITableView tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return YES UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone.. UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone BOOL tableView UITableView tableView shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return NO BOOL tableView..

Using insert rows in a UITableView


indexPath ..... NSArray items ... if indexPath.row items count cell.textLabel.text @ add new category ... return cell UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSArray items ... if indexPath.row items.. tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSArray items ... if indexPath.row items count return UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete iphone uitableview insert editing share improve this question I was.. NSIndexPath indexPath NSArray items ... if indexPath.row items count return UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete iphone uitableview insert editing share improve this question I was missing one thing. In setEditing instead..

UITableView : crash when adding a section footer view in empty section


when there is only one row left. Here's the code for edit mode void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath If row is deleted remove it from the list. if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete.. editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath If row is deleted remove it from the list. if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Find the book at the deleted row and remove from application delegate's array. if indexPath.section 0 firstSectionArray..

UITableView Core Data reordering


forRowAtIndexPath and do something like this void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the managed.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the managed object at the given index path. RowObj row myTableViewData objectAtIndex indexPath.row helper deleteRow..

Add a row to UITableView for adding new item?


row will be sent to the DataSource object with this method void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath When editing mode is exited the DataSource object will be triggered..

Is there any way to hide “-” (Delete) button while editing UITableView


0left align of the cell BOOL tableView UITableView tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return YES UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone.. UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone BOOL tableView UITableView tableview shouldIndentWhileEditingRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return NO BOOL tableView..

How to select rows while in edit mode?


a UITableView that is editable. I am commiting changes via void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath While in edit mode I would like the user to be able to select a row..

Setting the editing style on a UITableViewCell


this to work iphone cocoa touch share improve this question It is indeed a method in the UITableViewDelegate UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath Now I get a row of green plus signs..

How to delete a row from UITableView


db. The code that i used to try deleting rows is as follows. void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the row from.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the row from the data source categoryArray objectAtIndex indexPath.row tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray.. tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation YES else if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert Create a new instance of the appropriate class insert it into the array and add a new row to the table view Now for..

Multi Select Table View Cell and no Selection Style


I want to enable the Mail.app style check marks while having no selection style. I have the following snippet #define UITableViewCellEditingStyleMultiSelect 3 UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath.. marks while having no selection style. I have the following snippet #define UITableViewCellEditingStyleMultiSelect 3 UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return UITableViewCellEditingStyleMultiSelect.. UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return UITableViewCellEditingStyleMultiSelect UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath UITableViewCell cell..

Update editing style of UITableViewCell depending on contents


the user scrolls the row out of view and then back into view. Here's my editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath implementation UITableViewCellEditingStyle tableView UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if text field contains data return.. UITableView tableView editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if text field contains data return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete else return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone iphone cocoa touch ios uitableviewcell share improve this question.. NSIndexPath indexPath if text field contains data return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete else return UITableViewCellEditingStyleNone iphone cocoa touch ios uitableviewcell share improve this question I fought this same problem yesterday. You basically..

Edit & delete multiple rows in UITableView simultaneously


canMoveRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath return YES void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete perform similar delete.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete perform similar delete action as above but for one cell void tableView UITableView tableView moveRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath..

CoreData error driving me crazy… CoreData: Serious application error. An exception caught from delegate of NSFetchedResultsController


viewcontroller. Override to support editing the table view. void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the row from.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the row from the data source tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation.. NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade else if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert Create a new instance of the appropriate class insert it into the array and add a new row to the table view void..

When to use properties in objective C?


return YES Override to support editing the table view. void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the row from.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete Delete the row from the data source tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation.. NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade else if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert Create a new instance of the appropriate class insert it into the array and add a new row to the table view Override..

Add cell to bottom of UITableView in iOS


self.editButtonItem And implemented the method void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete removing a cell.. commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete removing a cell from my array and db here... else if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert adding a cell.. if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete removing a cell from my array and db here... else if editingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert adding a cell to my array and db here... I realise I need to add the cell at some point which I can then edit but..