

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextviews

How disable Copy, Cut, Select, Select All in UITextView


Programmatically align a toolbar on top of the iPhone keyboard


cocoa touch share improve this question As of iOS 3.2 there's a new way to achieve this effect UITextFields and UITextViews have an inputAccessoryView property which you can set to any view that is automatically displayed above and animated with..

SOLVED: Peculiar problem - iphone application distribution build contains a bug


a loading view while it downloads and then reloads the tableview once the datasource is set. The table's cells contain UITextViews which changes size to fit the text. When I run the app on the computer or debugging on the device the text is downloaded..

How to dynamically resize UITableViewCell height


to dynamically resize UITableViewCell height I have the classical grouped UITableView with editable UITextViews inside every cell. This text views can be single or multi lined and I want the cell to increase its height as the user writes..

UITextView inputView


s padView.textView setScrollEnabled NO r.location r.location s length whenever you modify the text by setting the UITextViews text property it resets the cursor to the end of the text view we have this line below to go back to where the user left..

Capturing UITextView data in an NSString


Iphone - when to calculate heightForRowAtIndexPath for a tableview when each cell height is dynamic?


answer so I will give it a try myself If you have a tableview containing your own custom UITableViewCells that contain UITextViews and UILabels whose height must be determined at runtime how are you supposed to determine the height for each row in heightForRowAtIndexPath..

How to crop an UITextView


to crop an UITextView I would like to have two UITextViews one in the background and one in the front. Is there any possibility to crop 50 of the one in the foreground so that you..

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?


with the left side and the top offset where I want it for the box its draw in. In addition this only seems to apply to UITextViews where you are using the default aligment ie. nameField.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft Align to the right for example..