

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewrowanimationnone

Adding dynamic sub-rows by selecting tableview row in tableview iPhone errors?


atIndex i self indoortable beginUpdates self indoortable insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray zonesFloor withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone self indoortable endUpdates if tableView indoortable_iPad some logic tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath selectedIndexPath.. str self indoortable beginUpdates self indoortable insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray zonesFloor withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone self indoortable endUpdates if tableView indoortable_iPad some logic tableView reloadData may this meet your requirement..

Correct way to show downloadable content in UITableView (with ProgressBar etc.)


row inSection 0 self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone When your connection is done downloading you should remove the connection from your activeConnections array and reload the.. row inSection 0 self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone Finally in cellForRowAtIndexPath you'll need to draw the cell's progress bar based on the info in your activeConnections..

Is it possible to refresh a single UITableViewCell in a UITableView?


beginUpdates self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObjects indexPathOfYourCell nil withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone self.tableView endUpdates In Xcode 4.6 and higher self.tableView beginUpdates self.tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths @ indexPathOfYourCell..

Adding cells programmatically to UITableView


12 inSection 0 nil eventTypesTable beginUpdates eventTypesTable insertRowsAtIndexPaths cells withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationNone eventTypesTable endUpdates Any help is appreciated Thanks iphone objective c uitableview ios5 uitableviewcell share improve..