

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewcellaccessorycheckmark

Select all the cells in UITableView


UITableViewCell Accessory Type Checked on Tap & Set other unchecked


tt x setAccessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone x tblProfileView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath x setAccessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark Navigation logic may go here for example create and push another view controller. AnotherViewController anotherViewController.. here including getting the cell determine the data from the IndexPath.row if data self.checkedData cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark else cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone return cell void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath..

UITableView Multiple Selection


NSIndexPath path UITableViewCell cell tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath path if cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone else cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark You could either.. UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone else cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark You could either maintain an array of selected states in addition to the cells' own accessory type state or iterate over..

Is it possible to configure a UITableView to allow multiple-selection?


which cells rows were selected say upon clicking a button simply iterate over the cells of the table looking for UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark. Or manage some NSSet or the like in your table view delegate in the did select delegate methods. share improve this answer..

Select multiple rows in UITableview


tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath do if tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath .accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath .accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone else tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath.. indexPath .accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone else tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath .accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark Edit You also have to use an array that maps the checked cells and in cellForRowAtIndexPath you have to verify if the accessoryType..

select multiple rows from uitableview and delete


addObject rowNsNum indicate visually that a row is selected e.g. set the cell's accessoryType property to UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark or modify your cell visually in some other way to indicate that it is a selected row add a delete button to your UI either..

Customizing table cell in ABPeoplePickerNavigationController


tableView indexPathForSelectedRow if cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark else cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone cell setSelected NO animated YES return NO share improve this answer..

UITableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath add additional checkmark at tap


YES checkDeletePlayer NO nrOfSelectedPlayers if cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark selectedPlayersArray addObject cell.textLabel.text nrOfSelectedPlayers else cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone..

Only one UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark allowed at a time


one UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark allowed at a time I have a tableview with a section that contains a list of sounds the user can pick. Only the currently.. with a section that contains a list of sounds the user can pick. Only the currently selected sound should show a UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark . Basically I got it working. However when e.g. the bottom cell is checked and I scroll up the table view making the checked.. failSounds objectAtIndex indexPath.row cell.textLabel.text cellTitle if indexPath.row index cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark if cellTitle isEqualToString @ Your Fail Sound NSUserDefaults prefs NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults if prefs boolForKey..

iPhone :UITableView CellAccessory Checkmark


didSelectRowAtIndexPath i am writing code if indexPath.row 0 tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath .accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark and displaying check marks. but in my case i wnt to allow user to check only on cell at a time means if user select other.. ... @end In your cellForRowAtIndexPath add the following if self.checkedIndexPath isEqual indexPath cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark else cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone How you code your tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath will depend on.. UITableViewCellAccessoryNone UITableViewCell cell tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath cell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark self.checkedIndexPath indexPath If you want to allow the user to be able to uncheck the row by clicking on it again use..

Edit & delete multiple rows in UITableView simultaneously


with their corresponding data source objects. To implement the checkmark portion you might consider toggling between UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark and UITableViewCellAccessoryNone for the UITableViewCell 's accessory property. Handle touches in the following UITableViewController.. NSIndexPath indexPath UITableViewCell c tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath if c.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark c setAccessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone else do the opposite You might also look at this post regarding custom.. 0 i NSIndexPath p NSIndexPath indexPathWithIndex i if tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath p accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark cellIndicesToBeDeleted addObject p perform deletion on data source object here with i as the index for whatever array like..

UITableView, having problems changing accessory when selected


kImageCell aCell.text imageNames objectAtIndex indexPath row if indexPath row selectedImage aCell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark else aCell.accessoryType UITableViewCellAccessoryNone return aCell void tableView UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath..