

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitablecell

UITableView scrolling slow, memory leak issue


scrolling slow memory leak issue I have a UITableView and a UITableCell subclass. Each table cell has two scrollviews that each rotate a dynamic amount of labels which are created in my table..

How do I scroll a UITableView to a section that contains no rows?


a customized UITableView or they're using a private API... The only workaround I can think of is to insert an empty UITableCell in that's 0 pixels high and scroll to that. But it's my understanding that having cells of varying heights is really bad..

Is there a way to create custom UIDataDetectorTypes?


to associate A particular word's location with the bubble. Currently I have the text on a UILabel that is on a custom UITableCell. Since I calculate the row height on the fly with textToUse sizeWithFont UIFont systemFontOfSize FONT_SIZE constrainedToSize..

Multiple columns in Tableview


question UITableView isn't really designed for multiple columns. But you can simulate columns by creating a custom UITableCell class. Build your custom cell in Interface Builder adding elements for each column. Give each element a tag so you can reference..

iPhone Dev: Swipe a UITableCell


Dev Swipe a UITableCell How does one program the ability to swipe a UITableCell. I already have a subclass that I've been working with of UITableCell... Dev Swipe a UITableCell How does one program the ability to swipe a UITableCell. I already have a subclass that I've been working with of UITableCell. Do I just handle swipes in it like I would a view.. How does one program the ability to swipe a UITableCell. I already have a subclass that I've been working with of UITableCell. Do I just handle swipes in it like I would a view iphone share improve this question You will need to implement this..

cellForRowAtIndexPath memory management


after every cell addSubview label Your next problem is you've misunderstood how the table cell recycling works. UITableCell objects are reused over and over again within a table that why you do this bit UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier..