

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitransitionview

iPhone crashing when presenting modal view controller


error. The stack trace is 0 0x30b43234 in UIWindowController transitionViewDidComplete fromView toView 1 0x3095828e in UITransitionView notifyDidCompleteTransition 2 0x3091af0d in UIViewAnimationState sendDelegateAnimationDidStop finished 3 0x3091ad7c in UIViewAnimationState..

Iphone: Is it possible to hide the TabBar?


UIView parent tabBar.superview UILayoutContainerView UIView content parent.subviews objectAtIndex 0 UITransitionView UIView window parent.superview UIView animateWithDuration 0.5 animations ^ CGRect tabFrame tabBar.frame tabFrame.origin.y.. UIView parent tabBar.superview UILayoutContainerView UIView content parent.subviews objectAtIndex 0 UITransitionView UIView window parent.superview UIView animateWithDuration 0.5 animations ^ CGRect tabFrame tabBar.frame tabFrame.origin.y..

viewWillAppear, viewDidAppear not being called, not firing


0x59469a0 ... navigationController.view Superview UIViewControllerWrapperView 0x594b430 ... Superview UITransitionView 0x5b0e110 ... Superview UILayoutContainerView 0x5b0dc80 ... tabBarController.view Superview UIWindow 0x5942a30 ... The lines..

Dismiss modal view changes underlying UIScrollView


frame is set through a break point in setFrame of a custom UIScrollView and it appears that it is called from UITransitionView transition fromView toView which is called via via from the dismissModalViewControllerAnimated call. iphone ios uiscrollview.. the dismissModalViewControllerAnimated call. iphone ios uiscrollview modal dialog share improve this question UITransitionView transition fromView toView Is perfectly normal for transitioning from the modal back to your view. This is the animation..

UITransitionView and UILayoutContainerView


and UILayoutContainerView What is UITransitionView What is UILayoutContainerView Will I get in trouble for adding subviews.. and UILayoutContainerView What is UITransitionView What is UILayoutContainerView Will I get in trouble for adding subviews to them They are the superviews of a UITableView.. the superviews of a UITableView which is inside of a UINavigationController which is inside of a UITabBarController . UITransitionView I got by asking for the superview of the table view. UILayoutContainerView I got by asking for the superview of UITransitionView..