

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitouchphasebegan

Observing pinch multi-touch gestures in a UITableView


end up being dispatched to a scroll view if touchView touchView isDescendantOfView webView touches oneTouch.phase UITouchPhaseBegan if oneTouch tapCount 2 self toggleScreenDecorations return YES return NO Related info here http iphoneincubator.com blog..

iPhone: Detecting user inactivity/idle time since last screen touch


count only ever seems to be 1 so anyObject works here. UITouchPhase phase UITouch allTouches anyObject .phase if phase UITouchPhaseBegan phase UITouchPhaseEnded self resetIdleTimer void resetIdleTimer if idleTimer idleTimer invalidate idleTimer release idleTimer..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


if touches count 1 We're only interested in one finger events UITouch touch touches anyObject switch touch phase case UITouchPhaseBegan A finger touched the screen tapLocation touch locationInView self contextualMenuTimer invalidate contextualMenuTimer..

How can I dismiss the keyboard if a user taps off the on-screen keyboard?


iPhone: Tracking/Identifying individual touches


currentLocation touch locationInView self CGPoint previousLocation touch previousLocationInView self if touch phase UITouchPhaseBegan Finger finger finger.start.x currentLocation.x finger.start.y currentLocation.y finger.end finger.start finger.hasMoved.. on the touchPhase but that is already given to you. If you recieve the touch in touchesBegan you know the touch is in UITouchPhaseBegan. By funneling touches from the four touch methods into one method you are defeating the purpose of having four delegate..

Hide keyboard when user touches uiview


like so void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event UITouch touch touches anyObject if touch.phase UITouchPhaseBegan self.myTextField resignFirstResponder You may need to call this on multiple text fields if you're not sure where the focus..