

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextalignmentleft

Drawing rotated text with NSString drawInRect


0 Draw the string string drawInRect rect withFont font lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap alignment UITextAlignmentLeft Clean up CGGradientRelease gradient CGColorSpaceRelease colorSpace CGContextRestoreGState context Note that you can also..

Is it possible to alter the letter-spacing/kerning of a font with Cocoa Touch?


and draw second one. float width v.x p.x float destX 0 calculate X position based on alignment if self textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft destX 0 else if self textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter destX self.frame.size.width width 2 else if self textAlignment..

Edit RTF/DOC file programmatically in xcode/ios


contents_for_pdf drawInRect renderingRect withFont font lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap alignment UITextAlignmentLeft UIGraphicsEndPDFContext UIAlertView Alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ PDF Created message @ Sucessfull delegate self..

UITableViewCell allocation issue - cell is not nil


indexPath.row titleLabel.text title.copy titleLabel.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor titleLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft titleLabel.font UIFont systemFontOfSize 18.0 My cell is never nil and my titleLabel because of that never got allocated..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


imageView.frame 10.0f 0.0f titleLabel.font UIFont fontWithName @ Helvetica Bold size 12.0f titleLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft titleLabel.textColor UIColor colorWithRed 125.0f 255.0f green 129.0f 255.0f blue 146.0f 255.0f alpha 1.0f titleLabel.shadowColor..

Changing the color of UITableView section headers


colorWithRed 0.0 green 0.0 blue 0.0 alpha 0.5 headerLabel.frame CGRectMake 11 11 320.0 44.0 headerLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft headerLabel.text @ Header Label customView addSubview headerLabel return customView Here headerbackground.png is a 1 pixel..

Dependent UIPickerView


initWithFrame CGRectMake 5 0 115 60 autorelease pickerRow.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 14 pickerRow.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft pickerRow.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor pickerRow.textColor UIColor blackColor pickerRow.numberOfLines 0 if component..

-[CALayer release]: message sent to deallocated instance


UIColor blackColor welcomeTo.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 welcomeTo.text @ Welcome to welcomeTo.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft welcomeTo.textColor UIColor colorWithWhite 1.0 alpha 0.6 container addSubview welcomeTo UILabel progressions UILabel alloc.. by adding some content or if you're not sure what you're doing check out the Getting Started guide blurb.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft blurb.textColor UIColor colorWithWhite 1.0 alpha 0.6 container addSubview blurb UIButton button1 UIButton alloc initWithFrame.. blackColor button1title.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 button1title.text @ Create a Chart button1title.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft button1title.textColor UIColor colorWithWhite 1.0 alpha 0.6 container addSubview button1title UILabel button1blurb UILabel..

Some Gap remains between Table Top and Table Header only when table loads and scrolled down to the last row?


20.0 UILabel lbl UILabel alloc initWithFrame rectArea lbl.text NSLocalizedString @ Bill Total @ lbl.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft lbl.font UIFont systemFontOfSize 13.0f lbl.font UIFont fontWithName @ Courier New size 14 lbl.font UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize..

How to lose margin/padding in UITextView?


addition this only seems to apply to UITextViews where you are using the default aligment ie. nameField.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft Align to the right for example and the UIEdgeInsetsMake seems to have no impact on the right edge at all. At very least..

how to calculate heightForRowAtIndexPath for cells which setup via switch in cellForRowAtIndexPath


alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleValue1 reuseIdentifier CellIdentifierValue1 cell.detailTextLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft cell.textLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft return cell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath.. CellIdentifierValue1 cell.detailTextLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft cell.textLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft return cell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath UITableViewCell..

trying to add done button to Numeric keyboard


textField.keyboardType UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad textField.returnKeyType UIReturnKeyDone textField.textAlignment UITextAlignmentLeft textField.text @ 12345 self.view addSubview textField NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector..