

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextborderstylenone

How to change inside background color of UISearchBar component on iOS


UIImage imageNamed @ yourImage just add here gray image which you display in quetion searchField setBorderStyle UITextBorderStyleNone This bellow code for change the UISearchBarIcon UIImageView searchIcon UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed..

Change UITextField background when editing begins


not taken into account . This means you might use the code above with UITextBorderStyleBezel UITextBorderStyleLine and UITextBorderStyleNone as explained in the borderStyle documentation borderStyle The border style used by the text field. @property nonatomic UITextBorderStyle.. by the text field. @property nonatomic UITextBorderStyle borderStyle Discussion The default value for this property is UITextBorderStyleNone. If a custom background image is set this property is ignored. This is the documentation for the background property of..

Set padding for UITextField with UITextBorderStyleNone


padding for UITextField with UITextBorderStyleNone I wanted to use a custom background for my UITextFields . This works fine except for the fact that I have to use UITextBorderStyleNone.. I wanted to use a custom background for my UITextFields . This works fine except for the fact that I have to use UITextBorderStyleNone to make it look pretty. This forces the text to stick to the left without any padding. Can I set a padding manually so that..

Custom UITextField


question You probably want to use the background and borderStyle properties of UITextField . Setting borderStyle as UITextBorderStyleNone and create a custom background image to be stretched and used as the background property would be one approach. I suggest..

how to set border style of a UITextfield


0.2 green 0.9 blue 0.5 alpha 0.3 tfText.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter Border Style None tfText setBorderStyle UITextBorderStyleNone self.view addSubview tfText tfText release For Reference http www.icodeblog.com 2010 01 04 uitextfield a complete api overview..

Indent the text in a UITextField


Customizing search bar in iPhone application Development


UIColor whiteColor searchField setBackground UIImage imageNamed @ yourImage.png searchField setBorderStyle UITextBorderStyleNone super layoutSubviews Also you can to clear searchbar backgraound void clearSearchBarBg for UIView subview in theSearchBar.subviews..