

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewrowanimationtop

UITableView: deleting sections with animation


beginUpdates tableGroups self.filteredTableGroups self.tableView deleteSections sectionsToDelete withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths cellsToDelete withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop self.tableView endUpdates.. withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths cellsToDelete withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop self.tableView endUpdates marking table as filtered self.tableIsFiltered YES My guess The problem seems to be this If you..

UITableView Animation Headache


updatedPath updatedPath2 nil self.mySexyTableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths updatedPaths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop The above code works and it animates. The problem is that I have lot of data and I don't want to hard code the row indexes...

Plist Search of Tableview


cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath if currentlyExpanded tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths tmpArray withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop cell.accessoryView DTCustomColoredAccessory accessoryWithColor UIColor grayColor type DTCustomColoredAccessoryTypeDown .. grayColor type DTCustomColoredAccessoryTypeDown else tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths tmpArray withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop cell.accessoryView DTCustomColoredAccessory accessoryWithColor UIColor grayColor type DTCustomColoredAccessoryTypeUp void..

Insert new row in UITableView when tapping first row


2 if selectedRow 0 entries addObject @ a new Entry self tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths paths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop else self tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths paths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop Unfortunately my app keeps.. paths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop else self tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths paths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop Unfortunately my app keeps crashing. 2013 04 11 16 52 39.717 MyStore 12924 c07 Assertion failure in UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext.. Data Source. So notifications addObject @ a new Entry self tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths paths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop And when you delete notifications removeObjectAtIndex indexPath.row self tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths paths withRowAnimation..

select multiple rows from uitableview and delete


with your preferred animation type self.myTableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths arrayOfIndexPathsToDelete withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop EDIT Here's my full didSelectRowAtIndexPath method. The deselectRowAtIndexPath may be required for correct operation. void..

How can I tell When a UITableView animation has finished?


isEditing variable. tableView setEditing YES animated YES tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths path withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop This almost works well but in editing mode the first row should have the UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert while the other..

How to delete a row in UITableView manually?


1 my table view has 2 sections tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject indexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop Everytime I build and run it throws the following exception Invalid update invalid number of rows in section 0. The number..

How to deal with non-visible rows during row deletion. (UITableViews)


beginUpdates tableGroups self.filteredTableGroups self.tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths cellsToRemove withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationTop self.tableView endUpdates iphone cocoa touch uikit share improve this question I am not sure I have understood correctly..