

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextinput

Customizing the iPhone keyboard


actually using this custom keyboard is more difficult. As of iOS 4.3 neither UITextField nor UITextView conform to the UITextInput protocol which would be ideal for this purpose. For UITextView you should be able to make it work using the methods provided.. on the standard keyboard will prove impossible . As of iOS 5.0 UITextField and UITextView finally do implement the UITextInput protocol. It should now be a simple matter to insert and delete text at the cursor position. share improve this answer..

Can I select a specific block of text in a UITextField?


might be used if you add some categories to it Update for iOS5 and above Now UITextField and UITextView conform to UITextInput protocol so it is possible Selecting the last 5 characters before the caret would be like this Get current selected range.. textField positionFromPosition selectedRange.start offset 5 Construct a new range using the object that adopts the UITextInput our textfield UITextRange newRange textField textRangeFromPosition newPosition toPosition selectedRange.start Set new range..

UITextView with Syntax Highlighting [duplicate]


no highlights no no no no no. Just rendering. And quite a bit of work to make it fast on old devices with long texts. UITextInput Protocol Allows interaction with the keyboard and to grab text input . Also features basic text replacements. Problem text.. styled in a UIWebView . For the latter you can use the Three20 thing. Build the missing link between CoreText and UITextInput . This includes but is not limited to text selection highlight background colors text storage management efficiency spell..

UILabel touch and get the text where touched


iphone uilabel share improve this question I think you'll find what you're looking for in the documentation for UITextInputProtocol . For some more high level information check out Apple's Text Web and Editing Guide specifically in the section.. level information check out Apple's Text Web and Editing Guide specifically in the section titled A Guided Tour of a UITextInput Implementation . It discusses how you can create indexed positions in text and ask touches what text position they've landed..

how to get selected text from uitextfield in iphone?


this question UITextField selectedText Although UITextField doesn't have a selectedText method it conforms to the UITextInput protocol . So you can use the required properties methods of the UITextInput protocol to determine the selectedText of a.. a selectedText method it conforms to the UITextInput protocol . So you can use the required properties methods of the UITextInput protocol to determine the selectedText of a UITextField textField or any object that conforms to the UITextInput protocol.. the UITextInput protocol to determine the selectedText of a UITextField textField or any object that conforms to the UITextInput protocol such as a UITextView . NSString selectedText textField textInRange textField.selectedTextRange NSLog @ selectedText..

How to detect UIKeyboard “backspace” button touch on UITextField? [duplicate]


this method void deleteBackward super deleteBackward NSLog @ BackSpace Detected since UITextField is compliant to the UITextInput protocol this method is implemented and you can override it to detect when backspace is pressed. Then you can write your..

How can I get the selected text frame from a UITextView


selected text CGRect Thanks iphone ios cocoa touch ipad uipopovercontroller share improve this question I think UITextInput selectedTextRange and UITextInput caretRectForPosition is what you are looking for. UITextInput selectedTextRange returns.. ios cocoa touch ipad uipopovercontroller share improve this question I think UITextInput selectedTextRange and UITextInput caretRectForPosition is what you are looking for. UITextInput selectedTextRange returns the selected range in character.. question I think UITextInput selectedTextRange and UITextInput caretRectForPosition is what you are looking for. UITextInput selectedTextRange returns the selected range in character UITextInput caretRectForPosition returns the CGRect of the character..