

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewcontroller

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


between 5 or 6 different screens where I all users to select from a list of options. Create a new UITableViewController subclass SimpleTableViewController . Create a UITableViewController in your storyboard embedded in a.. list of options. Create a new UITableViewController subclass SimpleTableViewController . Create a UITableViewController in your storyboard embedded in a navigation controller and set its custom class to SimpleTableViewController...

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


mode on loading new controller Self explanatory iPhone In landscape only after first addSubview UITableViewController doesn ™t rotate properly Same issue as above. iPhone Landscape Only Utility Template Application Layout..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


much of this is boilerplate code. Relevant bits of the header file @interface BlahViewController UITableViewController UISearchBarDelegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate UISearchDisplayDelegate other class ivars required..

Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view


the tab bar . So this seems like the implementation hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController.. hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears.. UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears to be unsupported according to the SDK documentation for pushViewController..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers I have two UITableViewControllers and need to pass the value from the child view controller to the parent using a delegate. I know what.. #import UIKit UIKit.h #import ChildViewController.h @interface RootViewController UITableViewController ChildViewControllerDelegate @end In the parent view controller's implementation implement the delegate..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


in a current project. It's nice because I can reuse it between 5 or 6 different screens where I all users to select from a list of options. Create a new UITableViewController subclass SimpleTableViewController . Create a UITableViewController in your storyboard embedded in a navigation controller and set its custom class to SimpleTableViewController... 5 or 6 different screens where I all users to select from a list of options. Create a new UITableViewController subclass SimpleTableViewController . Create a UITableViewController in your storyboard embedded in a navigation controller and set its custom class to SimpleTableViewController. Give the navigation controller for SimpleTableViewController..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


correctly. Iphone Landscape mode switching to Portraite mode on loading new controller Self explanatory iPhone In landscape only after first addSubview UITableViewController doesn ™t rotate properly Same issue as above. iPhone Landscape Only Utility Template Application Layout errors controller does not seem to recognize the view should..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


figure out which tableView to update. It is surprising how much of this is boilerplate code. Relevant bits of the header file @interface BlahViewController UITableViewController UISearchBarDelegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate UISearchDisplayDelegate other class ivars required ivars for this example NSFetchedResultsController fetchedResultsController_..

Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view


lets you drill down further the subsequent levels don't show the tab bar . So this seems like the implementation hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears to be unsupported.. don't show the tab bar . So this seems like the implementation hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears to be unsupported according to the SDK documentation for pushViewController.. hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears to be unsupported according to the SDK documentation for pushViewController animated emphasis added viewController The view..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers I have two UITableViewControllers and need to pass the value from the child view controller to the parent using a delegate. I know what delegates are and just wanted to see a simple to follow example... it implements the ChildViewControllerDelegate protocol. RootViewController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h #import ChildViewController.h @interface RootViewController UITableViewController ChildViewControllerDelegate @end In the parent view controller's implementation implement the delegate methods appropriately. RootViewController.m #import RootViewController.h..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


I can reuse it between 5 or 6 different screens where I all users to select from a list of options. Create a new UITableViewController subclass SimpleTableViewController . Create a UITableViewController in your storyboard embedded in a navigation controller.. to select from a list of options. Create a new UITableViewController subclass SimpleTableViewController . Create a UITableViewController in your storyboard embedded in a navigation controller and set its custom class to SimpleTableViewController. Give the navigation..

Get notified when UITableView has finished asking for data?


from its data source None of the viewDidLoad viewWillAppear viewDidAppear methods of the associated view controller UITableViewController are of use here as they all fire too early. None of them entirely understandably guarantee that queries to the data source..

UITableView issue when using separate delegate/dataSource


move the Table View related code out to its own class. To accomplish this I try the following Create a new subclass of UITableViewController in Xcode Move the known good implementations of numberOfSectionsInTableView tableView numberOfRowsInSection and tableView.. tableView numberOfRowsInSection and tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath to the new subclass Drag a UITableViewController to the top level of the existing XIB in InterfaceBuilder delete the UIView UITableView that are automatically created for.. level of the existing XIB in InterfaceBuilder delete the UIView UITableView that are automatically created for this UITableViewController then set the UITableViewController 's class to match the new subclass Remove the previously working UITableView 's existing..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


switching to Portraite mode on loading new controller Self explanatory iPhone In landscape only after first addSubview UITableViewController doesn ™t rotate properly Same issue as above. iPhone Landscape Only Utility Template Application Layout errors controller..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


It is surprising how much of this is boilerplate code. Relevant bits of the header file @interface BlahViewController UITableViewController UISearchBarDelegate NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate UISearchDisplayDelegate other class ivars required ivars for this..

Creating a JSON Store For iPhone


hierarchies of tables in which can change on the fly SQL becomes a nightmare. Core Data NSFetchedResultsController and UITableViewController delegates make it trivial. 4 With high complexity and high size Core Data is clearly the superior choice. Core Data is highly..

Tab bar controller inside a navigation controller, or sharing a navigation root view


levels don't show the tab bar . So this seems like the implementation hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems.. like the implementation hierarchy is UINavigationController Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears to be unsupported according.. Accounts UITableViewController UITabBarController Tweets UITableViewController Detail view of a tweet user etc Replies UITableViewController ... This seems to work ^1 but appears to be unsupported according to the SDK documentation for pushViewController animated..

How do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers?


do I set up a simple delegate to communicate between two view controllers I have two UITableViewControllers and need to pass the value from the child view controller to the parent using a delegate. I know what delegates are and.. protocol. RootViewController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h #import ChildViewController.h @interface RootViewController UITableViewController ChildViewControllerDelegate @end In the parent view controller's implementation implement the delegate methods appropriately...

Lazy load images in UITableView


shows old images . Can someone please tell me how to duplicate this behavior. iphone ios objective c uitableview uitableviewcontroller share improve this question checkout SDWebImage README Section says how to use it in your app. share improve this answer..

Core Data backed UITableView with indexing


like the Contacts app where the index is the first letter of the first name of the person. iphone core data uitableviewcontroller nsfetchedresultscontrolle cocoa design patterns share improve this question You should use your CoreData NSFetchedResultsController..

iPhone UITableView PlainStyle with custom background image - done “entirely” in code


to keep all my customization in one place. Hope someone can help me Im all 'googled out' Thanks iphone uitableview uitableviewcontroller background image share improve this question You need to set up your controller as a UIViewController not a UITableViewController...

ToolBar between UINavigationBar and UITableView?


I have to do it programmatically If so how Btw I'm targeting iOS6 with storyboards and ARC. iphone ios objective c uitableviewcontroller share improve this question The approach I prefer is to use a UIViewController at the outer level containing your toolbar..

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


firing until the table stops scrolling. Not sure why. Any help would be great. iphone uitableviewcell uiimageview uitableviewcontroller nsurlconnection share improve this question The reason the connection delegate messages aren't firing until you stop..

iPhone: “unrecognized selector sent to instance”


0x3b18360' 2010 01 06 19 55 00.874 Handball 84675 40b Stack Any help would be REALLY REALLY appreciated... iphone uitableviewcontroller subview share improve this question While tableV is declared to be a TableView it's most likely initialized with a simple..

iPhone: didSelectRowAtIndexPath not invoked


@ example ofType @ xml withLabel @ Default 2 entries release entries NSArray alloc initWithArray result @end iphone uitableviewcontroller share improve this question Apple's documentation says that didSelectRowAtIndexPath index will not be invoked when selectRowAtIndexPath..

how to set a tableview delegate


without selecting the UITableTableview controller from the new file options iphone ios objective c delegates uitableviewcontroller share improve this question You need to conform your class to the UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource protocols...

UITextField subview of UITableViewCell to become first responder?


a nib I want to keep the implementation programatic to enable greater flexibility. Many Thanks iphone cocoa touch uitableviewcontroller becomefirstresponder share improve this question After speaking with the Apple Dev Support Team I have an answer What..

How to animate the height change of an section header in UITableView?


NSInteger section if flatHeader return 50.0f else return 100.0f iphone ios objective c uitableview uitableviewcontroller share improve this question I'm not 100 sure this will work for a table header but it works for table rows so it's worth..

iPhone Tableview Use Cells in Horizontal Scrolling not Vertical


tableview that is rotated 90deg without rotating the phone orientation Is this possible iphone uitableview rotation uitableviewcontroller share improve this question in the view controller rotate the tableView in viewDidLoad void viewDidLoad self.table.rowHeight..

How to implement “Load 25 More” in UITableViewController


25 more at the end of the table view. Any help would be grealy appreciated. Thanks iphone uitableview uitableviewcell uitableviewcontroller share improve this question Just put a button connected to an Event in your table footer. When the button is clicked..

Compare NSDate for Today or Yesterday


one of these lines my app crashes and I have no idea why I hope someone can enlighten me here. Thanks lot. iphone uitableviewcontroller nsdate share improve this question The easiest way to do it is to just compare the description of the dates Your dates..

Problems with UINavigationController inside of UITabBarController, viewWillAppear not called


stumped. It's not really a solution but maybe an inside of something that is going on. iphone uinavigationcontroller uitableviewcontroller viewwillappear share improve this question To answer my own question I found out what the problem was. In order to abide..

How to refresh a UITableViewController or NSFetchedResultsController?


with userInfo null And after that the edit mode where the delete button appears does not work anymore. Thanks. iphone uitableviewcontroller nsfetchedresultscontrolle share improve this question Ok looks like I found a solution I just skip these self.tableView..

Changing the color of UITableView section headers


size position shadings etc Thanks. And once again sorry for asking this question again. iphone uitableview uikit uitableviewcontroller share improve this question This is something I spent quite a while grappling with myself only to find that there is..

How to add a UIToolbar to a UITableViewController programmatically?


id sender self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated YES toolbar removeFromSuperview iphone ios uitableviewcontroller uitoolbar share improve this question The simpler thing to do is to build your project on top of a UINavigationController..

Using a UITableView subclass with a UITableViewController


to use my custom UITableView subclass for it's tableView instead of a regular UITableView iphone uitableview uitableviewcontroller share improve this question Set the UITableViewController.tableView property to an instance of your custom UITableView..

iPhone - Setting background on UITableViewController


image self.view addSubview backImage self.view sendSubviewToBack backImage iphone uitableview background uitableviewcontroller share improve this question This is basically the same as Hans Espen's solution above but uses convenience methods for..

Getting visible cell from UITableView pagingEnabled


even if it isn't visible causing it to be part of the visible cells. iphone cocoa touch uitableview uitableviewcell uitableviewcontroller share improve this question Well on the off chance that you never figured out a solution or for whoever comes to this..