

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewdatasource

connect button to TableViewController in xcode


return YES @end CreateViewController.h my table #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface CreateViewController UIViewController UITableViewDataSource UITableViewDelegate NSArray tableData @property nonatomic retain NSArray tableData @end CreateViewController.m #import CreateViewController.h..

Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


. So here is what i do for this #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface ViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource IBOutlet UITableView tblView NSMutableArray arrayCheckUnchek Will handle which button is selected or which is unselected..

UITableView does not respond to scrolling the first time it's loaded


to touches even though it contains the same number of rows. I am not doing anything more than responding to the UITableViewDataSource methods for the number of rows and generating the rows themselves. I am reloading the table every time the view appears...

How is iPhone Contact app's detail View implemented


The contact details screen is actually quite simple to mimic. Start with a UITableView and provide it with a UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate. You'll need to provide sections for all the data you want to present. This means 1 for the custom..

How to use the first character as a section name


sectionNameKeyPath might specify a key for a transient property derived from the persistent property. Boilerplate UITableViewDataSource implementations using NSFetchedResultsController NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView tableView return fetchedResultsController.. this key defines the sections cacheName @ Root And to uncomment tableView titleForHeaderInSection in the UITableViewDataSource implementation NSString tableView UITableView tableView titleForHeaderInSection NSInteger section id NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo..

What is -[UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:] for?


forRowAtIndexPath for In all of my UITableView programming I've always configured my UITableViewCells in UITableViewDataSource tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath . Now I've come across the UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell forRowAtIndexPath method...

populate UITableView from json


as this is first time with obj c or anything like it in my .h file @interface TableViewViewController UIViewController UITableViewDataSource UITableViewDelegate NSArray exercises NSMutableData responseData in my .m file NSInteger tableView UITableView tableView..

UITableView scroll smooth with certain speed?


.h file #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface AutomaticTableViewScrollViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource UITableView slotMachine NSMutableArray listOfItems NSTimer tableTimer @property nonatomic retain UITableView slotmachine..

How to add data to UITableView?


UIColor clearColor iphone objective c uitableview share improve this question You need to implement the UITableViewDataSource protocol. Have a look at the Populating the Table View With Data section of the iOS Table View Programming Guide. Just because..

Async image downloader


WebCache.h header and call the setImageWithURL placeholderImage method from the tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath UITableViewDataSource method. Everything will be handled for you from async downloads to caching management. Hilton share improve this answer..

Passing array between view controllers?


#import AVFoundation AVFoundation.h @interface HelloWorldIOS4ViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource UITextFieldDelegate AVAudioPlayerDelegate NSMutableArray countProductCode UIPopoverController detailViewPopover @property..

UITableView reload data


one of my view controllers looks like this @interface NewComputerViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource so i'm using a UITableView to show data. when the view loads I use a button in the top navigation bar to run a function..

Can not freez the table header while scrolling the rows? [duplicate]


share improve this question The best thing to do is create a UIViewController which is a UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource and have a UILabel at the top of the UIViewController 's nib and a UITableView underneath the UILabel . This will have the..

Objective-C: Asynchronously populate UITableView - how to do this?


nil NSLog @ Download complete 1. Massage the data into whatever we want Core Data an array whatever 2. Update the UITableViewDataSource with the new data Note We MIGHT be on a background thread here. if NSThread isMainThread self tableView reloadData else..

Creating custom UITableViewCell's within a Storyboard


If you have set your UITableView to be using 'Static Cells' in the storyboard you don't need to implement any of the UITableViewDataSource methods and you can modify the cell directly in Interface Builder. For a single label cell select the cell and change it's..

How to limit UITableView row reordering to a section


you only even want want one section to be reorderable at all that was my case . If you're looking as I was at the UITableViewDataSource delegate you won't find a notification for when it is about to let you move a row between sections. You get one when it..

didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not being called


In MainViewController.h @interface MainViewController UIViewController UIGestureRecognizerDelegate UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource other stuff here... @property weak nonatomic IBOutlet UITableView myTableView In MainViewController.m @synthesize myTableView..

What is code for upload the NSMutableArray data to TableView? [closed]


you have to follow below Steps 1 Create Instance of UItableView in .h class AS UITableView myTableView 2 Adopt The UITableViewDataSource UITableViewDelegate protocol in ViewController Where you going to show TableView 3 Create Table programmatically or by IB..