

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextfielddelegate

What happens if I don't retain IBOutlet?


happens if I don't retain IBOutlet If I do this @interface RegisterController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate IBOutlet UITextField usernameField instead of this @interface RegisterController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate UITextField.. UITextFieldDelegate IBOutlet UITextField usernameField instead of this @interface RegisterController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate UITextField usernameField @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet UITextField usernameField Will something bad happen I know..

Drop Shadow on UITextField text


text change key by key by implementing the textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange replacementString method in the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. Using that you can update the lower text simultaneously. You could also make the lower text the shadow text gray..

Elegantly replace iPhone keyboard with UIPickerView


uidatepicker share improve this question First here is a screencapture showing how this looks . Implement UITextFieldDelegate and display a popup containing a UIPickerView. void textFieldDidEndEditing UITextField textField UIPickerView picker UIPickerView..

motionBegan: Not Working


resigns first responder at some point. With a UITextField for example the UIViewController would need to implement the UITextFieldDelegate protocol and actually be the delegate. Then in textFieldShouldReturn BOOL textFieldShouldReturn UITextField theTextField..

Re-Apply currency formatting to a UITextField on a change event


0 0 replacementString @ 0 void viewDidUnload self.textField nil super viewDidUnload This is the code in the UITextFieldDelegate method textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange replacementString BOOL textField UITextField textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange..

iPhone keyboard, Done button and resignFirstResponder


with just a UITextField and this code #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface TextFieldTestViewController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate UITextField textField @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet UITextField textField @end #import TextFieldTestViewController.h..

Passing array between view controllers?


AVFoundation.h @interface HelloWorldIOS4ViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource UITextFieldDelegate AVAudioPlayerDelegate NSMutableArray countProductCode UIPopoverController detailViewPopover @property nonatomic retain NSMutableArray..

How programatically move a UIScrollView to focus in a control above keyboard?


you can restore the previous state after the UITextField returns header @interface TheViewController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate CGPoint svos implementation void textFieldDidBeginEditing UITextField textField svos scrollView.contentOffset CGPoint pt..

how to enable text input in UITextField which is in UIActionSheet?


I propose. .h file code #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface trialViewController UIViewController UIActionSheetDelegate UITextFieldDelegate UITextField TextField void CreateSlideOut void removePopUp void slidePopup @end .m code #import trialViewController.h @implementation..

Difference between protocol and delegates?


awesome language feature and design pattern. Edit Here's an example. In the UIKit framework of Cocoa Touch there is a UITextFieldDelegate protocol. This protocol defines a series of methods that classes which are delegates of a UITextField instance should implement... to assign a delegate to a UITextField using the delegate property you'd better make sure that this class conforms to UITextFieldDelegate . In fact because the delegate property of UITextField is defined as @property nonatomic assign id UITextFieldDelegate delegate.. UITextFieldDelegate . In fact because the delegate property of UITextField is defined as @property nonatomic assign id UITextFieldDelegate delegate Then the compiler will give warnings if you assign a class to it that doesn't implement the protocol. This is really..

How to make return key on iphone make keyboard disappear?


this Thanks. iphone ios login uitextfield uikeyboard share improve this question First you need to conform to the UITextFieldDelegate Protocol in your View ViewController's header file like this @interface YourViewController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate.. Protocol in your View ViewController's header file like this @interface YourViewController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate Then in your .m file you need to implement the following UITextFieldDelegate protocol method BOOL textFieldShouldReturn.. YourViewController UIViewController UITextFieldDelegate Then in your .m file you need to implement the following UITextFieldDelegate protocol method BOOL textFieldShouldReturn UITextField textField textField resignFirstResponder return YES textField resignFirstResponder..

allow only alphanumeric characters for a UITextField


inputting only alphanumeric characters in an iphone UITextField iphone share improve this question Use the UITextFieldDelegate method textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange replacementString with an NSCharacterSet containing the inverse of the characters..

Xcode/iOS5: Move UIView up, when keyboard appears


NSNotification note move your views here Do the opposite with UIKeyboardDidHideNotification . OR Implement UITextFieldDelegate Detect when editing begin end to move views around. void textFieldDidBeginEditing UITextField textField keyboard is visible..