

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitoolbar

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


UIPickerView a Button in Action sheet How My application requires following things to be added in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button on UIToolbar UIPicker Control I have included an image to understand my requirements. Could you please explain how.. in Action sheet How My application requires following things to be added in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button on UIToolbar UIPicker Control I have included an image to understand my requirements. Could you please explain how this can be implemented..

Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?


this question Answering my own question here Overriding the drawRect function and creating an implementation of the UIToolbar does the trick @implementation UIToolbar CustomImage void drawRect CGRect rect UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ nm010400.png.. here Overriding the drawRect function and creating an implementation of the UIToolbar does the trick @implementation UIToolbar CustomImage void drawRect CGRect rect UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ nm010400.png image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 self.frame.size.width..

Is there a way to change the height of a UIToolbar?


there a way to change the height of a UIToolbar I've got an UIToolbar in Interface Builder and I've noticed that it's locked to being 44px tall. Of course I'd like to.. there a way to change the height of a UIToolbar I've got an UIToolbar in Interface Builder and I've noticed that it's locked to being 44px tall. Of course I'd like to make this larger. Does..

Creating a left-arrow button (like UINavigationBar's “back” style) on a UIToolbar


a left arrow button like UINavigationBar's &ldquo back&rdquo style on a UIToolbar I'd love to create a back left arrow bezel button in a UIToolbar. As far as I can tell the only way to get one of these.. like UINavigationBar's &ldquo back&rdquo style on a UIToolbar I'd love to create a back left arrow bezel button in a UIToolbar. As far as I can tell the only way to get one of these is to leave UINavigationController at default settings and it uses.. the left bar item. But there's no way I can find to create one as a UIBarButtonItem so I can't make one in a standard UIToolbar even though they're very similar to UINavigationBars. I could manually create it with button images but I can't find the..

How to tint UIBarButtonItem background color?


to tint UIBarButtonItem background color I have a UIToolbar that contains 2 buttons. The toolbar has a tint toolbar.tintColor UIColor colorWithRed 102.0 255.0 green 20.0 255.0 blue..

Adding a UILabel to a UIToolbar


a UILabel to a UIToolbar I'm trying to add a label to my toolbar. Button works great however when I add the label object it crashes. Any ideas UIBarButtonItem..

Adding button to left of UISearchBar


to a UISearchBar let alone to the left of the search bar. I've tried hacking around in Interface Builder adding a UIToolbar with a button in it to the left but I cannot find any combination of styles where the two line up properly to give the impression..

UIDatePicker pop up after UIButton is pressed


addTarget self action @selector changeDate forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged self.view addSubview datePicker UIToolbar toolBar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 autorelease toolBar.tag 11 toolBar.barStyle.. @selector changeDate forControlEvents UIControlEventValueChanged self.view addSubview datePicker UIToolbar toolBar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 self.view.bounds.size.height 320 44 autorelease toolBar.tag 11 toolBar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent..

UIPickerView select and hide


Use the below method of UIToolBar for adding the Done buttons. void setItems NSArray items animated BOOL animated UIToolbar mypickerToolbar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 56 mypickerToolbar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlackOpaque mypickerToolbar.. of UIToolBar for adding the Done buttons. void setItems NSArray items animated BOOL animated UIToolbar mypickerToolbar UIToolbar alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 320 56 mypickerToolbar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlackOpaque mypickerToolbar sizeToFit NSMutableArray..

How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding


to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding I create one UIToolbar with code and another with interface builder. But found out the two toolbar having different left and right padding which.. arrayWithObjects btnTestItem nil btnTestItem release My question is how can I adjust the left and right padding of UIToolbar by code Update I discovered this alignment issue only happen to UIBarButtonItem with customView of UIButton the alignment..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl with UITabBarController


that mimics Apple's solution in the Maps app i.e. using UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl but leaving an un curled UIToolbar at the bottom of the screen . I will continue in this tradition of incomplete answers since you ask about a UITabBarController..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


nonatomic UIEdgeInsets separatorInset UITableViewHeaderFooterView iOS 6.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor tintColor UIToolbar @property nonatomic retain UIColor tintColor void setBackgroundImage UIImage backgroundImage forToolbarPosition UIToolbarPosition.. @property nonatomic retain UIColor tintColor void setBackgroundImage UIImage backgroundImage forToolbarPosition UIToolbarPosition topOrBottom barMetrics UIBarMetrics barMetrics iOS 6.0 void setShadowImage UIImage shadowImage forToolbarPosition.. topOrBottom barMetrics UIBarMetrics barMetrics iOS 6.0 void setShadowImage UIImage shadowImage forToolbarPosition UIToolbarPosition topOrBottom iOS 7.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor barTintColor July 3 2012 This list hasn't changed up til..

How to programmatically replace UIToolBar items built in IB


to programmatically replace UIToolBar items built in IB I have a toolbar with various image buttons created in Interface Builder. I'd like to be able to programmatically..

UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem with both image and title has very dim text


@ Foo The title's text displays very dim it looks like it has an alpha of about 0.5. If I use the default UIToolBar barStyle I can't read the text at all. When using UIBarStyleBlack I can read the text but it still looks very dim. I also..

Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?


I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app Is it possible to give a UIToolBar a custom background from an image rather than the.. I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app Is it possible to give a UIToolBar a custom background from an image rather than the usual tinted blue black fade out I've tried giving the view a background.. than the usual tinted blue black fade out I've tried giving the view a background and setting the opacity of the UIToolBar but that also affects the opacity of any UIBarButtons on it. iphone uitoolbar share improve this question Answering..

How can I dynamically hide a button from a view?


If you're trying to hide a UIBarButtonItem you'll actually have to modify the contents of the parent bar. If it's a UIToolBar you'll need to set the bar's items array to an array that doesn't include your item. NSMutableArray items myToolbar.items..

Hide UIToolbar UIBarButtonItems


I would like to not display the middle button. Does anybody know of a way to hide a specific button on inside a UIToolBar There is no hide property all I can find is setEnable but this still leaves the button causing users to wonder what its..

How can I replicate the trashing animation of Mail.app


the trashing animation of Mail.app In my iPhone app I have put a UIBarBUtton of type UIBarButtonSystemItemTrash in my UIToolBar. When pressed I'd like to replicate the animation of Mail.app the bin opens the UIView folds and flies into it. Is there..

Placing a custom view based UIBarButtonItem in the navigation bar without default horizontal padding


above the solution I went with is based on this answer to a different but very much related question How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding . It is also facilitated by and depends on iOS5 which allows you to set multiple buttons on the left..

UIPickerView select and hide


the UIPickerView . Regards Chris iphone ios uipickerview share improve this question The Done button is placed in UIToolBar. Use the below method of UIToolBar for adding the Done buttons. void setItems NSArray items animated BOOL animated UIToolbar.. ios uipickerview share improve this question The Done button is placed in UIToolBar. Use the below method of UIToolBar for adding the Done buttons. void setItems NSArray items animated BOOL animated UIToolbar mypickerToolbar UIToolbar alloc..

How to create a toolbar between UITableView rows


does the following I would like to create the same thing with my app where if you click on a row it pops an additional UIToolBar and pressing on any other row will dismiss this view with animations. The logic I think is simple you just need to add a..

resizing a UITableViewCell frame issue


cell.frame.size.height 25 however it's not resizing after I do this... why is this This is weird as if I add a UIToolBar into the cell it resizes but when I am adding a UIView it doesn't cell.contentView addSubview sideSwipeView iphone objective.. and then setting that frame as the cell's frame after setting the frame's origin Y as 0 . I'm not quite sure about the UIToolBar but your subview's frame won't change on changing the cell frame. Maybe if you could tell us what you're trying to achieve..

How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding


to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding I create one UIToolbar with code and another with interface builder. But found out the two toolbar..

Aligning UIToolBar items?


UIToolBar items I have three UIBarButtonItem created as below. They align left and I'd like to align center so there isn't a gap.. They align left and I'd like to align center so there isn't a gap on the right side. I don't see an align property on UIToolBar. Is there another way to accomplish this create some buttons UIBarButtonItem aboutButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle..

Hide/Show NavigationBar & Toolbar on tap


greatly appreciated. Thanks iphone share improve this question Try to animate the y value of UINavigationBar and UIToolBar like this UIView beginAnimations nil context NULL UIView setAnimationDuration 0.4 UIView setAnimationDelegate self CGRect..

Is it possible to use Core Animation to fade out a UIBarButtonItem?


with two different data sources. Once a particular data source gets triggered I'd like to fade out the current UIToolBar options and fade in new ones. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. iphone objective c cocoa touch core animation..

Displaying a UIDatePicker inside of a UIPopover


when a user clicks a UIButton . The problem is it is being displayed in an awkward position and I want to add a UIToolBar above the datePicker where there is extra space. This will have cancel and done button. How can I accomplish this The button..

How to programmatically replace UIToolBar items built in IB


built toolbar or must I look at building the whole toolbar programmatically and custom views iphone interface builder uitoolbar share improve this question Here is an example of what I did in a similar situation. I wanted to build the toolbar using..

UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem with both image and title has very dim text


for a look similar to a UITabBar whose items have both an image and title. Thanks for the help iphone uibarbuttonitem uitoolbar share improve this question I was trying to use the UIBarButtonItem to display both an image and a button but I'm pretty..

Can I give a UIToolBar a custom background in my iPhone app?


and setting the opacity of the UIToolBar but that also affects the opacity of any UIBarButtons on it. iphone uitoolbar share improve this question Answering my own question here Overriding the drawRect function and creating an implementation..

Is there a way to change the height of a UIToolbar?


make this larger. Does Apple allow resizing of this control If so how do I go about it iphone xcode interface builder uitoolbar share improve this question Sure just set its frame differently myToolbar setFrame CGRectMake 0 50 320 35 This will..

Hiding a UINavigationController's UIToolbar during viewWillDisappear:


forum post mentions the same issue but no workaround is mentioned. iphone cocoa touch uikit uinavigationcontroller uitoolbar share improve this question I too have experienced this problem. In my case the only way I found to successfully hide..

Hide UIToolbar UIBarButtonItems


only display it in situations that it actually has a use. Thanks in advance iphone objective c hide uibarbuttonitem uitoolbar share improve this question Reset the items void setItems NSArray items animated BOOL animated You can get the current..

Customize UIBarbuttonitem with Background Images


using UIBarButtonitem it doesnt work at all. This is how it displays Thanks Taimur iphone cocoa touch uibarbuttonitem uitoolbar uibarbuttonitemstyle share improve this question Taimur I ran into the same problem that you're hitting. Our designer..

How to make a Navigation bar transparent and fade out like in the photo app in the iPhone


the naveigation bar and toolbar transparent and fadeout like in photo app in iPhone Thank u .. iphone uinavigationbar uitoolbar share improve this question UINavigationBar inherits from UIView so you can use UIView 's animation methods to fade..

UIToolbar tint on iOS 4


around for it on the net but found no reference of such a thing. Anyone knows what broke in the process iphone ios4 uitoolbar tint tintcolor share improve this question must be frank here I knew the answer before posting just didn't know how..

How to make a UIBarButtonItem look like a UINavigationBarItem


question http stackoverflow.com questions 227078 creating a left arrow button like uinavigationbars back style on a uitoolbar has answers that cover both ways. Placing a UINavigationBar back button look alike icon somewhere other than the left of..

Adding UIToolbar with two UIBarButtonItem to a UINavigationBar: poor UIToolbar and what about iPhone 4


clearColor self.clearsContextBeforeDrawing YES return self @end iphone objective c cocoa touch uinavigationbar uitoolbar share improve this question There's no guarantee that UIToolbar draws seamlessly inside a UINavigationBar this might..

Iphone- How to resize view when call status bar is toggled?


when call status bar is toggled I'm creating an iphone app with few elements inside the controller e.g tab bar uiview uitoolbar etc.. . Everything works fine until I encountered this problem. While my application is launched I received a call and it..

UIToolbar height on device rotation


how can I add attached drop shadows to uinavigationbar and uitoolbar


can I add attached drop shadows to uinavigationbar and uitoolbar I'm working on an app that uses a custom image for UINavigationBar and UIToolbar which is fine but they also need a drop.. to provide the results I am after. Would appreciate any help that could be offered. Thanks iphone uinavigationbar uitoolbar shadow dropshadow share improve this question In the end I decided to just use background png images with the shadows..

How to add a UIToolbar to a UITableViewController programmatically?


self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated YES toolbar removeFromSuperview iphone ios uitableviewcontroller uitoolbar share improve this question The simpler thing to do is to build your project on top of a UINavigationController . It..

Aligning UIToolBar items?


as a subview to the navigation controller. self.navigationController.view addSubview toolbar iphone cocoa touch uitoolbar share improve this question Add two UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace items to your toolbar to the left and right of..

Pause button is stopping AVAudioPlayer rather than pausing


play void pause id sender audioPlayer pause void stop id sender audioPlayer stop iphone ios uibarbuttonitem uitoolbar share improve this question If I'm following what your trying to do your problem is that you're implicitly starting..