

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitable

Hide UITabBar when pushed while retaining touch


UITabBar on one view controller. I tried vc.hideTabBarwhenpushed TRUE when pushed this worked fine but when I opened a UITable on this view controller then at the bottom where UITabBar should be at that place my UITable is not getting touch. I tried.. fine but when I opened a UITable on this view controller then at the bottom where UITabBar should be at that place my UITable is not getting touch. I tried doing viewController setWantsFullScreenLayout YES but it did't work. iphone objective c ios..

CoreData : store images to DB or not?


store images to DB or not I am making an app that takes photos from web site for some Username and shows it in a UITable with username then when clicking user name it shows photos for this user and then clicking to name of photo it shows full.. the data to CoreData When pressing name of user it creates NSData and downloads photos from internet and shows them on UITable. And it takes time. What is good approach and How can save this images to CoreData I am using this method NSData imageData..

Detect if certain UIView was touched amongst other UIViews


user touches the top one and not care about the other ones. I will have a couple of buttons in the second UIView and a UITable in the 3rd UIView. Problem is I turn userInteractionEngabled on on the first view and that works but all the other views..

Change UITable Section Title color


UITable Section Title color I want to change the color of UITableView section header. Help need urgently iphone ios uitableview.. UITable Section Title color I want to change the color of UITableView section header. Help need urgently iphone ios uitableview share improve this question Use the below code for your.. urgently iphone ios uitableview share improve this question Use the below code for your answer UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForHeaderInSection NSInteger section UIView tempView UIView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 300 44..

How do I create a grid of icons like the iPhone home screen?


on the iPhone I'd like a grid of evenly spaced buttons with images where I can respond to the button tap. Is the UITable a good fit Should I use a plain UIView and position the icons manually in DrawRect Is there an alternative that will automatically.. to add your icons which are UIViews of some sort as subviews of your Springboard view. No custom drawing needed and a UITable is thh absolute wrong way to go. You just need to do the math to place them correctly by setting their frame . share improve..

UITableView , Scroll to bottom on reload?


Scroll to bottom on reload I have a UITableView with cells that are dynamically updated. Everything works fine apart.. Scroll to bottom on reload I have a UITableView with cells that are dynamically updated. Everything works fine apart from when reload is called see below to refresh.. void reloadTable NSNotification notification NSLog @ RELOAD TABLE ... customTableView reloadData Scroll to bottom of UITable here .... I was planning to use scrollToRowAtIndexPath atScrollPosition animated but then noticed that I don't have access..

Background image that's scrollable and in synch with the UITable scrolling


image that's scrollable and in synch with the UITable scrolling I've added an image to a UITableview using the following code. What I can't figure out is how to have that background.. image that's scrollable and in synch with the UITable scrolling I've added an image to a UITableview using the following code. What I can't figure out is how to have that background image scroll with the table not an.. out is how to have that background image scroll with the table not an image in each cell but a large image behind the UITable . I need the background image to be scrollable and in synch with the UITable scrolling. I've searched and all the examples..

Images in Uiscroll cell populated by mysql database


How to put default delete button and disclosure button in uitable view?


to put default delete button and disclosure button in uitable view I want to default delete button and disclosure button in uitable view how it possble iphone share improve this.. default delete button and disclosure button in uitable view I want to default delete button and disclosure button in uitable view how it possble iphone share improve this question To add disclosure button in your data source implementation..

UITableViewCell Accessory Type Checked on Tap & Set other unchecked


Home Office What I want is as follow.... When User tap any of the cell Cell gets selected I want to set checked set uitableviewcell accessory type checked of tapped cell And also all other cell's accessory type now should set to uitable view cell.. set uitableviewcell accessory type checked of tapped cell And also all other cell's accessory type now should set to uitable view cell accessory type none I have tried following code. But I found that indexpath.row indexpath.section is readonly.. pushViewController anotherViewController animated YES anotherViewController release iphone objective c xcode uitableview uitableviewcell share improve this question I would keep track of the data that should be checked and change the..

Horizontal UITableView


UITableView I want implement a layout in my ipad application that has a uitable view that scrolls left and right rather then up and down So rather than row 1 row 2 row 3 scrolling vertically It would.. does not give the desired effect. Is there a standard way to do this taking advantage of a datasource provider like uitableview provides I basically want to do somthing similar to what the BBC News reader app http itunes.apple.com us app bbc news..

Multiple Row Selection in UIPickerView


table as subview to picker. I have tried a lot but didn't succeed. Please help if u can Thanx Ankit iphone uipicker uitable share improve this question the accepted UI for multiple selection on the iPhone is to use a UITableView with checkmarks..