

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextviewdelegate

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


Any help will be a great push up for me.. below is the code snippet. NoteView.h @interface NoteView UITextView UITextViewDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate NoteView.m id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self self.backgroundColor.. context CGContextStrokePath context AddNotesViewController.h @interface AddNotesViewController UIViewController UITextViewDelegate UITabBarDelegate NoteView note @property nonatomic retain NoteView note @end AddNotesViewController.m void loadView super..

How do you connect the “delegate” outlet of a UITextView to a class that implements UITextViewDelegate protocol?


do you connect the &ldquo delegate&rdquo outlet of a UITextView to a class that implements UITextViewDelegate protocol How do you connect the delegate outlet of a UITextView to a class that implements UITextViewDelegate protocol.. UITextViewDelegate protocol How do you connect the delegate outlet of a UITextView to a class that implements UITextViewDelegate protocol I can't seem to find an example in the docs The weird thing is the UITextView's delegate outlet has that drag 'n..

how to resign keyBoard as a firstResponder from a textView?


UITextView delegates problem


problem I am trying to access the UITextView delegates and have a problem I have a UIViewController with the UITextViewDelegate protocol and a Nib containing the textView. If I set the delegate inside viewDidLoad like textView.delegate self and I touch..

Change the UITextView Text Direction


value using void setText NSString txt So here is the code ReverseTextVC.h @interface ReverseTextVC UIViewController UITextViewDelegate NSMutableArray _lines UITextView _tv Returns reversed text. The lines is also updated. This array contains all lines. You.. _tv.font carretPosition rng Lines _lines Bounds _tv.bounds _tv.text result #pragma mark #pragma mark UITextViewDelegate BOOL textView UITextView textView shouldChangeTextInRange NSRange range replacementText NSString text NSRange rng textView.text..

how to get selected text from uitextfield in iphone?


Although UITextFieldDelegate doesn't declare a textFieldDidChangeSelection delegate method like UITextViewDelegate textViewDidChangeSelection you can still hook into when the selection of a UITextField has changed. To do so subclass UITextField..

UITextView ruled line background but wrong line height


subclass UITextView and override it's drawRect method. NoteView.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface NoteView UITextView UITextViewDelegate @end NoteView.m #import NoteView.h @implementation NoteView id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame.. context @end MyViewController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h #import NoteView.h @interface MyViewController UIViewController UITextViewDelegate NoteView note @property nonatomic retain NoteView note @end MyViewController.m #import MyViewController.h #import NoteView.h..

UITextView hide keyboard in iphone


How to dismiss keyboard for UITextView with return key?


guidelines. Even then if you want to do this implement the textView shouldChangeTextInRange replacementText method of UITextViewDelegate and in that check if the replacement text is n hide the keyboard. There might be other ways but I am not aware of any. ..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


ViewController.h iCloudText #import UIKit UIKit.h @class MyTextDocument @interface ViewController UIViewController UITextViewDelegate IBOutlet UITextView textView @property nonatomic retain UITextView textView @property strong nonatomic MyTextDocument document..

How can I keep the keyboard present even when presenting a modal view controller?


can I present the second modal view controller without ever dismissing the keyboard EDIT I've implemented part of the UITextViewDelegate and I'm still not getting the desired result. BOOL textViewShouldEndEditing UITextView textView return NO iphone objective..

iPhone - Problem with UITextView


documentation UITextView gives you this link to the class documentation. Similarly here is the documentation for the UITextViewDelegate. Searching for UITextView simple example gives you this useful example . Searching for UITextView dismiss keyboard the first.. exactly what you want. P.S. The people above are correct if a little terse understandably . You need to implement a UITextViewDelegate. In that delegate if you want to hide the keyboard on a return key implement shouldChangeTextInRange look for a @ n and..