

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewstyle

tableview will not update on phone


@synthesize heroes @synthesize savedDFGWorkouts @synthesize chosenWOD @synthesize chosenDetails id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style self super initWithStyle style if self Custom initialization return self void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad NSMutableArray..

Button color in Navigation bar - iPhone


I have tried adding an image but have had no luck. Here is the screenshot Here is my current code id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style if self super initWithStyle style UIBarButtonItem addButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle NSLocalizedString..

How to reloadData in tableView with didSelectedRowAtIndexPath and call group of methods in it


#import XMLReader.h @interface catalogViewController @end @implementation catalogViewController id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style self super initWithStyle style if self return self CONNECTIONS METHOD START void connection NSURLConnection connection..

How to delete a row from UITableView


0 else NSAssert1 0 @ Error preparing statement sqlite3_errmsg db sqlite3_finalize compiledStatement id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style Override initWithStyle if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is not..

Getting an NSInvalidArguementException error


@synthesize selectedExercise @synthesize entityArray @synthesize theSelectedRoutine id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style self super initWithStyle style if self Custom initialization return self void dealloc NSLog @ dealloc fetchedResultsController.. @synthesize managedObjectContext @synthesize selectedExercise @synthesize theSelectedRoutine id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style self super initWithStyle style if self Custom initialization return self void dealloc NSLog @ dealloc fetchedResultsController..

Where is the memory leak in my UITableViewController?


showInView self view window actionSheet autorelease #pragma mark #pragma mark Initialization id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style Override initWithStyle if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is not..

how to prevent usage of other init methods other than my custom method in objective-c


custom UITableViewController I was going to pass some required config to it by extending the existing id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style method to an extended custom one. Question what's the best way to ensure that the user of this custom controller class..

When to use properties in objective C?


maincell @end #import ListOfCarShares.h @implementation ListOfCarShares @synthesize maincell id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style self super initWithStyle style if self Custom initialization return self void parser NSXMLParser parser didStartElement..

How to populate UITableView with the responce of JSON from a different ViewController?


and .m file #import messages.h #import messageDetail.h @implementation messages @synthesize mesid id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style self super initWithStyle style if self Custom initialization return self void didReceiveMemoryWarning Releases the..

Background image for navigation view


with properly displaying background image of navigation view. Here is the pic Here is the code id initWithStyle UITableViewStyle style if self super initWithStyle style UIImage image UIImage imageNamed @ bg_table_active.png UIImageView imageview UIImageView..