

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewcells

UITableView with images scrolls very slowly [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate Table View with Images slow load and scroll I have a UITableView which downloads images for the UITableViewCells from a server. I observed that the tableView scrolls very slowly. I thought that this might downloading problem but I have..

Get tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: to happen after tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:?


tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath to happen after tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath I've got some UITableViewCells that need to change their height depending on the length of the strings inside. I'm calculating the necessary height inside..

2 different types of custom UITableViewCells in UITableView


different types of custom UITableViewCells in UITableView in my UITableView i want to set for the first news of an rss feed a custom tableViewCell Type A lets say..

Detecting which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView


which UIButton was pressed in a UITableView I have a UITableView with 5 UITableViewCells . Each cell contains a UIButton which is set up as follows UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath..

What is -[UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:] for?


willDisplayCell forRowAtIndexPath for In all of my UITableView programming I've always configured my UITableViewCells in UITableViewDataSource tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath . Now I've come across the UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell..

iPhone - What are reuseIdentifiers (UITableViewCell)?


UITableViewCell reuseIdentifier I don't understand this. Well I understand the basic idea I think that you create UITableViewCells and try to reuse as many as you can instead of making new ones or something like that . But what exactly decides whether..

How to set the width of a cell in a UITableView in grouped style


is called. Of course you can subclass and override setFrame for your UITableView just like what I do here for UITableViewCells. However subclassing UITableViewCells is a much common light and Apple way. Secondly if your UITableView have backgroundView.. subclass and override setFrame for your UITableView just like what I do here for UITableViewCells. However subclassing UITableViewCells is a much common light and Apple way. Secondly if your UITableView have backgroundView you don't want its backgroundView..

UITextField subview of UITableViewCell to become first responder?


UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor void viewDidAppear BOOL animated super viewDidAppear animated Now the the UITableViewCells UITextField has loaded you can set that as first responder theTextField becomeFirstResponder I hope this helps anyone stuck..

How to customize the background color of a UITableViewCell?


background color of a UITableViewCell I would like to customize the background and maybe the border too of all of the UITableViewCells within my UITableView. So far I have not been able to customize this stuff so I have a bunch of white background cells which..

Loading a Reusable UITableViewCell from a Nib


a Reusable UITableViewCell from a Nib I am able to design custom UITableViewCells and load them just fine using the technique described in the thread found at http forums.macrumors.com showthread.php t..

Accessing UITextField in a custom UITableViewCell


it as user friendly as possible. It is doable but be aware that it can get quite convoluted depending on the number of UITableViewCells UITextFields you have. Firstly to your question re accessing the values of UITextField 1 Make your view controller a UITextFieldDelegate..

Is it possible to refresh a single UITableViewCell in a UITableView?


it possible to refresh a single UITableViewCell in a UITableView I have a custom UITableView using UITableViewCells. Each UITableViewCell has got 2 buttons in them. Clicking these buttons will change an image in an UIImageView within the..

UITableViewCell expand on click


and when i click again to that custom button it will collapse to normal view. Same will be apply when i click other UITableViewCells Developer's please guide me.. how can I achieve this task iphone objective c uitableview uibutton share improve this..

Iphone - when to calculate heightForRowAtIndexPath for a tableview when each cell height is dynamic?


I have not seen a consistent answer so I will give it a try myself If you have a tableview containing your own custom UITableViewCells that contain UITextViews and UILabels whose height must be determined at runtime how are you supposed to determine the height.. heightForRowAtIndexPath. The only thing I can think of is to do all the calculations inside viewDidLoad create all the UITableViewCells then calculate the cells height and store that in a custom field inside your UITableViewCell subclass and put each cell..

How to add spacing between UITableViewCell


row if text isEqual @ December 2012 return 25.0 return 80.0 Next I want to manipulate the look and feel of the UITableViewCells so I do that in the willDisplayCell NewsUITableViewCell cell forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath method. void tableView..

UITableViewCell, Delete Button Frame?


Delete Button Frame Is there a way to alter the frame of the swipe DELETE button used on UITableViewCells Currently its centred vertically within the cell but if possible I would like to move it down to the cyan guide show. iphone..

What are the best practices for implementing form in iOS


words keep references to your inputs in a separate NSArray or NSDictionary to make sure they're not lost when the UITableViewCells are reused. Using the keyboard return key to move to the next input is a good idea. It's easy to do if you just keep track..

cellForRowAtIndexPath memory management


there anyway to manage my memory better Also is there a nicer way of coding this I was thinking of making an array of UITableViewCells and just accessing those via cellForRowAtIndexPath. So I would love for some suggestions thanks guys. iphone ios uitableview..