

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviews

How can I make deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: work with GenericTableViewController?


work with GenericTableViewController I'm using Matt Gallagher's GenericTableViewController idea for controlling my UITableViews . My datasource is a NSFetchedResultsController . http cocoawithlove.com 2008 12 heterogeneous cells in.html Everything..

Cocoa Touch: When does an NSFetchedResultsController become necessary to manage a Core Data fetch?


this question NSFetchedResultsController is an incredibly handy helper class for interfacing Core Data with your UITableViews. My recommendation would be to use it with every table view that has a Core Data backing. In every case I've used it for..

Using Interface Builder for UITableViews


Interface Builder for UITableViews I'm very early in the iPhone development learning process. I'm trying to get my head around various pieces. Right now I've..

Multiple UITableViews on one UIView


UITableViews on one UIView I need to have two UITableViews on one UIView. I can make it work with one here is the code NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView.. UITableViews on one UIView I need to have two UITableViews on one UIView. I can make it work with one here is the code NSInteger numberOfSectionsInTableView UITableView tableView..

Refresh MKAnnotationView on a MKMapView


load images for my custom MKAnnotationView I'm already using the EGOImageView framework it goes very well with UITableViews but I fail to make it work on MKMapView. Images seem to be loaded but I cannot refresh them on the map myMap setNeedsDisplay..

Delegates, can't get my head around them


UITableView tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath If you wanted the same delegate to handle multiple UITableViews then you just need a some conditional on the tableView object passed to the method void tableView UITableView tableView..

Communication between view controllers


between view controllers Given the section of an application which has a UINavigationController and 2 levels of UITableViews i.e. a row is selected on the root controller which pushes the second controller onto the navigation stack I have the following..

Why should I use Core Data for my iPhone app?


at any number of times app close etc. . Core Data and related classes provide easy ways to get your entities into UITableViews like NSFetchedResultsController. Core Data abstracts away a lot of the messy things you'd otherwise have to deal with yourself..

How to put a UISegmentedControl under a NavigationController?


thinking so far was a viewController with the UIToolbar with UISegmentedController in this ViewController attaching my UITableViews But what I can't figure out is how to structure my controller source code files. Do you have best practice working examples..

UITabBar funcionality without UITabBarController


got a navigation based application and on the one of the detail view i need to have UITabBar which will display some UITableViews. Since apple documentation says you should never add a tab bar controller to a navigation controller it make quite a problem..

How should I structure my .plist array and dictionary?


should I structure my .plist array and dictionary I have UITableView that will have several child UITableViews which may also have 1 or 2 childs each. I want to create a plist to keep track and structure all the cell names and stuff...

app rejected from apple app store because UIWebview, need some advice


apps like that. You can Make the app fetch the data from the web server BUT display it with native controls with UITableViews UIButtons UIImages etc . This would require quite a bit amount of work. Drop the app and tell the users on your site that..

Animating custom-drawn UITableViewCell when entering edit mode


post explains in detail how the developers were able to squeeze as much scrolling performance as possible out of the UITableViews in Tweetie . Goals Beginning with the source code linked from the blog post original my github repo Allow a UITableView..

Scrolling two UITableViews together


two UITableViews together I have a weird design case in which to implement I need to place two UITableViews on the same view. I would just.. two UITableViews together I have a weird design case in which to implement I need to place two UITableViews on the same view. I would just use sections but I need an index on the second table. I'd like them to both scroll together..

UITableViewCell: How to prevent blue selection background w/o borking isSelected property?


background iphone objective c cocoa touch uikit share improve this question An excellent resource on customizing UITableViews has been this post by Matt Gallagher. What you'll want to do is set the selectedBackgroundView to a new view instead of..

Adding cells programmatically to UITableView


ios5 uitableviewcell share improve this question I think you're approaching this from the wrong direction. UITableViews don't work as you are expecting. insertRowsAtIndexPaths is for inserting new rows into a table rather than for populating.. insertRowsAtIndexPaths is for inserting new rows into a table rather than for populating it in the first instance. UITableViews work by calling a number of delegate methods that allow you to present your data to the table view as you need to. The framework..

How to deal with non-visible rows during row deletion. (UITableViews)


to deal with non visible rows during row deletion. UITableViews I am performing a deletion of several rows of a table. In fact on this occasion all visible cells are in fact deleted...