

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextalignmentcenter

Change the text of a UILabel (UIBarButtonItem) on a toolbar programmatically


self action nil UILabel lblTotCaratteri UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 25 15 lblTotCaratteri.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter lblTotCaratteri.font UIFont italicSystemFontOfSize 13.0 lblTotCaratteri.textColor UIColor greenColor lblTotCaratteri.backgroundColor..

Add text to CALayer


ctx word drawInRect layer.bounds withFont UIFont systemFontOfSize 32 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap alignment UITextAlignmentCenter word drawAtPoint CGPointMake 30.0f 30.0f forWidth 200.0f withFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 32 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeClip..

iPhone Title and Subtitle in Navigation Bar


titleView.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor titleView.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 20 titleView.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter titleView.textColor UIColor whiteColor titleView.shadowColor UIColor darkGrayColor titleView.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1.. UIColor clearColor subtitleView.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 subtitleView.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter subtitleView.textColor UIColor whiteColor subtitleView.shadowColor UIColor darkGrayColor subtitleView.shadowOffset CGSizeMake..

iphone-sdk: Adding a textfield to UIAlertview does not work in iOS 4?


UIKeyboardAppearanceAlert txtName setAutocorrectionType UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo txtName setTextAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter createNewAlert addSubview txtName createNewAlert show Also you can refer the following two methods which are called on Keyboard..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


textBounds withFont UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize UIFont systemFontSize lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeClip alignment UITextAlignmentCenter UIImage image UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext return image The delete button behaviour..

UIPicker sizing in landscape mode


label UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 10 20 270 100 autorelease label.text @ I am a label label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter label.textColor UIColor blackColor label.font font label.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor label.opaque NO viewForRow addSubview..

UISegmentedControl text with multiple lines?


UIColor clearColor self theLabel.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 13 self theLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter self theLabel.lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeWordWrap self theLabel.shadowColor UIColor darkGrayColor self theLabel.numberOfLines..

Change the navigation bar's font


label.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 20.0 label.shadowColor UIColor colorWithWhite 0.0 alpha 0.5 label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter label.textColor UIColor whiteColor label.text self.title self.navigationItem.titleView label label release share improve..

How do you add multi-line text to a UIButton?


UILineBreakModeWordWrap you'll probably also want to call button.titleLabel.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter then just call button setTitle @ Line1 nLine2 forState UIControlStateNormal For iOS 6 use the following button.titleLabel.lineBreakMode..

Change Navigation bar Background image on each navigation


label.font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 20.0 label.shadowColor UIColor colorWithWhite 0.0 alpha 1 label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter label.textColor UIColor whiteColor label.text self.topItem.title self.topItem.titleView label else UIImage imageNamed..

How to disable copy paste option from UITextField programmatically


CGRectMake 12.0 45.0 260.0 25.0 regTextField setBackgroundColor UIColor whiteColor regTextField.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter myAlertView addSubview regTextField myAlertView show myAlertView release iphone ios uitextfield uialertview share improve..

UIView Popup like UIAlertView


label UILabel alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 0 0 frame.size.width 20 label.text @ Hellooooo label.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter label.backgroundColor UIColor clearColor self addSubview label label release UIButton closeButton UIButton buttonWithType..

how to display UIActivityIndicatorView BEFORE rotation begins


alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0 label setText @ Activity Indicator and Rotate label setTextAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter label sizeToFit self view addSubview label self setLabel label label release @end iphone ios uiviewcontroller rotation..

Draw text in circle overlay


t drawInRect overallCGRect withFont UIFont fontWithName @ Arial size 10.0 lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeClip alignment UITextAlignmentCenter CGContextRestoreGState context UIGraphicsPopContext When debugging I get values like these MKC 43253760.000000 104071168.000000.. UIFont fontWithName @ Arial size 10.0 MKRoadWidthAtZoomScale zoomScale lineBreakMode UILineBreakModeClip alignment UITextAlignmentCenter Also be sure to use a text color that's different from the underlying circle's color. Note that using drawInRect will result..

Setting label text in another class


120 30 myLabel setBackgroundColor UIColor clearColor myLabel setTextColor UIColor whiteColor myLabel setTextAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter myLabel setAdjustsFontSizeToFitWidth YES self.view addSubview myLabel myLabel release In my first view controller MySecondViewcontroller..