

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewcellstyle

Custom draw a UITableViewCell


How do I get it to stop drawing the default contents and how do I replace it with my own rendering id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier DLog @ Overloaded TableCell initWithStyle if self super initWithStyle style..

Iphone Application:-My Application Crash


Application My Application Crash I make one custom cell class like this. id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier self super initWithStyle style reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier if self imgview.. tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil cell UITableViewCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease cell CustomCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier.. UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease cell CustomCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease my application is crashing every time with message Tried to obtain the..

Custom UITableViewCell Not Using .xib (Most Likely Because of Flaw in init Method)


in there that refers to the .xib or does anything but change the .backgroundView from the self id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier wait float wait fadeOut float fadeOut fadeIn float fadeIn playFor float playFor.. tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier simpleTableIdentifier if cell nil cell CueTableCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier simpleTableIdentifier wait 5.0 fadeOut 1.0 fadeIn 1.0 playFor 10.0 cell updateBarAt 15 return cell..

cell.detailTextLabel.text not working… why


John iphone xcode uitableview uitableviewcell share improve this question Make sure you're using an appropriate UITableViewCellStyle with this anything but UITableViewCellStyleDefault should thus work . The cell's style is specified when you initialize..

Customizing an UITableViewCell subclass


is there a better way Anyhow this is what I tried in the subclass's initWithStyle I put the following id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier self super initWithStyle style reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier if self nil..

subclassed UITableViewCell - backgroundView covers up anything I do in drawRect


drawRect. Am I going about this the wrong way EDIT I've posted an example project with the problem . id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier if self super initWithStyle style reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier TODO figure..

change width of a uitableviewcell


don't do a custom cell I just subclass uitableviewcell. This is the class @implementation customCell id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier if self super initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier.. id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier if self super initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier CGRect nouveauframe CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 44 44 self.frame nouveauframe return self.. customCell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil cell customCell alloc initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyleValue1 reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease Configure the cell... cell textLabel setText Mission singletonMission getObjectDataHistoireEncours..

How to change the size of the grid of TTThumbsViewController


IOS: dynamic height with a custom uitableviewcell


HelpTableViewCell @synthesize labelName @synthesize labelDescription @synthesize viewBackground id initWithStyle UITableViewCellStyle style reuseIdentifier NSString reuseIdentifier self super initWithStyle style reuseIdentifier reuseIdentifier if self return..

Put checkmark in the left side of UITableViewCell


objective c ios uitableview uitableviewcell share improve this question Of course you can do that For example use UITableViewCellStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault Simple cell with text label and optional image view behavior of UITableViewCell in iPhoneOS.. uitableviewcell share improve this question Of course you can do that For example use UITableViewCellStyle UITableViewCellStyleDefault Simple cell with text label and optional image view behavior of UITableViewCell in iPhoneOS 2.x ...and put a custom..