

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitabbaritem

iOS custom tabbar


@ first.png UIImage unselectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ second.png UITabBar tabBar self.tabBarController.tabBar UITabBarItem item0 tabBar.items objectAtIndex 0 item0 setFinishedSelectedImage selectedImage0 withFinishedUnselectedImage unselectedImage0.. @ first.png UIImage unselectedImage0 UIImage imageNamed @ second.png UITabBar tabBar self.tabBarController.tabBar UITabBarItem item0 tabBar.items objectAtIndex 0 item0 setFinishedSelectedImage selectedImage0 withFinishedUnselectedImage unselectedImage0..

Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images


Prior to this it was a huge hack and not recommended. Here's how to do a completely custom tab bar custom icons UITabBarItem item UITabBarItem alloc init item.title @ foo setting custom images prevents the OS from applying a tint color item setFinishedSelectedImage.. it was a huge hack and not recommended. Here's how to do a completely custom tab bar custom icons UITabBarItem item UITabBarItem alloc init item.title @ foo setting custom images prevents the OS from applying a tint color item setFinishedSelectedImage..

How to: Save order of tabs when customizing tabs in UITabBarController


for storing initial UITabBarController state and to differ my tabs one from another I simply defined tag variables for UITabBarItem objects assigned to each UIViewController stuffed in my UITabBarController . To be able to accurately track last selected..

Is there a way to use a custom selected image for UITabBarItem?


there a way to use a custom selected image for UITabBarItem I like to have a custom selected image when a user selects an item on the tab bar by default it selects as blue like but.. tabItem tabItem release tabItem nil Here's what the CustomTabBarItem class looks like @interface CustomTabBarItem UITabBarItem UIImage customHighlightedImage @property nonatomic retain UIImage customHighlightedImage @end implementation #import CustomTabBarItem.h..

iPhone: How can I build my own TabBar?


images for your tab bar one for the selected state of each tab. It's possible to actually fudge the implementation of UITabBarItem and just work with individual images but it's a little more work. MyAppDelegate.m BOOL tabBarController UITabBarController..

How to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5


to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5 with more appearance control in iOS 5 how do we change the UITabBarItem text color from default white to other.. to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5 with more appearance control in iOS 5 how do we change the UITabBarItem text color from default white to other color EDIT working solution UITabBarItem appearance setTitleTextAttributes NSDictionary.. control in iOS 5 how do we change the UITabBarItem text color from default white to other color EDIT working solution UITabBarItem appearance setTitleTextAttributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys UIColor blackColor UITextAttributeTextColor..

Setting a background image for a tabbar


image for a tabbar in my app. My code is as follows RootViewController.h IBOutlet UITabBar mainTabBar IBOutlet UITabBarItem settingsBarItem IBOutlet UITabBarItem infoBarItem IBOutlet UITabBarItem aboutBarItem RootViewController.m void viewDidLoad.. My code is as follows RootViewController.h IBOutlet UITabBar mainTabBar IBOutlet UITabBarItem settingsBarItem IBOutlet UITabBarItem infoBarItem IBOutlet UITabBarItem aboutBarItem RootViewController.m void viewDidLoad UIImageView imageView UIImageView alloc.. IBOutlet UITabBar mainTabBar IBOutlet UITabBarItem settingsBarItem IBOutlet UITabBarItem infoBarItem IBOutlet UITabBarItem aboutBarItem RootViewController.m void viewDidLoad UIImageView imageView UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed..

tabbar item image and selectedImage


selectedImage UIImage imageNamed selectedImageName UIImage unselectedImage UIImage imageNamed unselectedImageName UITabBarItem item self.tabBarController.tabBar.items objectAtIndex counter if item respondsToSelector @selector setFinishedSelectedImage.. different images for the selected and unselected image your best bet is probably to use the tag property of the UITabBarItem and a switch statement like this @implementation UItabBarItem Custom UIImage selectedImage switch self.tag case 1 return.. in your app and you don't want them to all be overridden in this way you can define these methods on a subclass of UITabBarItem instead of as a category. Then you can set the class of the tab bar items in your nib file to be your custom subclass instead..

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?


nonatomic retain UIImage shadowImage iOS 7.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor barTintColor @property nonatomic UITabBarItemPositioning itemPositioning @property nonatomic CGFloat itemWidth @property nonatomic CGFloat itemSpacing @property nonatomic.. @property nonatomic CGFloat itemWidth @property nonatomic CGFloat itemSpacing @property nonatomic UIBarStyle barStyle UITabBarItem void setTitlePositionAdjustment UIOffset adjustment UITableView iOS 6.0 @property nonatomic retain UIColor sectionIndexColor..

Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images


it applies a gradient to the images. I need to know how to prevent it from having this gradient. iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Apple added tab bar customization in iOS 5 and now this kind of stuff is trivial. Prior..

How to add “more” button to Tab Bar?


a way to manually invoke this with the editing capabilities Thanks. iphone objective c uitabbarcontroller uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question You do not have to manually create a More... button. Simply add all of the View Controllers..

Changing font size of tabbaritem


font size of tabbaritem Is it possible to change the font size of tabs iphone ios cocoa touch uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Sorry there's no way to do this. If you're desperate you'll need to write your own tab bar...

TabBar / “More View Controller” - Possible to have icons in colors other than black?


interface is too dark and want's to brighten it up with some colorful icons... Thanks iphone objective c cocoa touch uitabbaritem share improve this question Nope The buttons on a tabbar or toolbar are drawn with the alpha channel so they don't have..

changing text color of uitabbaritem


text color of uitabbaritem can anyone help me in this weird problem is there anyways to change the text color of uitabbar item from default gray to..

Is there a way to use a custom selected image for UITabBarItem?


selects as blue like but would like to have a green color instead. something like below any thoughts iphone uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Just found my solution. Basically I subclassed UITabItem and set this in the navigation..

UITabbar orientation problem


can anybody please tell me what i went wrong Thanks in advance. Regards sathish iphone rotation orientation uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question By default a UITabBarController will only return YES to the shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation..

Really cool way to create custom UITabBar for iPhone app?


if you could help me on that it would be really appreciated Thanks a lot in advance iphone ios customization uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question Check out iDevReceipes they have a pretty simple and good looking solution. Might not fit..

Sliding UITabBarItems in UITabBarController


would be helpful if someone could point me in the right direction. iphone objective c cocoa touch uitabbarcontroller uitabbaritem share improve this question There is a nifty little github project that could help you... check it out https github.com..

Xcode 4.2 Tabbed Application - Adding New Tab view


and they try to add one or two more tab view. Im still trying it. But I cant. iphone ios5 storyboard xcode4.2 uitabbaritem share improve this question Just add two more view controllers to your project and then control drag from the tab bar..

iOS 5: UITabBarItem setFinishedSelectedImage:withFinishedUnselectedImage: not working / ignored


NSIndexPath indexPath method ala Ray Wenderlich's tutorial Anyone have any ideas Thanks iphone ios ios5 uitabbar uitabbaritem share improve this question The tab bar item is initialized with the method initWithTabBarSystemItem tag . But as the..

tabbar item image and selectedImage


setFinishedSelectedImage selectedImage withFinishedUnselectedImage unselectedImage iphone ios uitabbarcontroller uitabbaritem share improve this question Add this category to your project. It will force tab bar items to use your original image..