

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewdelegate

connect button to TableViewController in xcode


my table #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface CreateViewController UIViewController UITableViewDataSource UITableViewDelegate NSArray tableData @property nonatomic retain NSArray tableData @end CreateViewController.m #import CreateViewController.h..

Check Uncheck buttons in uitableview's cell


for check uncheck . So here is what i do for this #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface ViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource IBOutlet UITableView tblView NSMutableArray arrayCheckUnchek Will handle which button is selected..

What is -[UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell:forRowAtIndexPath:] for?


is UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell forRowAtIndexPath for In all of my UITableView programming I've always configured my UITableViewCells in.. configured my UITableViewCells in UITableViewDataSource tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath . Now I've come across the UITableViewDelegate willDisplayCell forRowAtIndexPath method. That also seems like an appropriate place to do cell configuration. My question..

Pop-up modal with UITableView on iPhone


take up about 1 2 of screen. I go back and forth between how to handle this. Should I subclass UIView and make it a UITableViewDelegate DataSource I'd also prefer to lay out this view in IB. So to display I'd do something like this from my view controller.. as you want on the screen at once. I would create a new view and view controller. You would not make a UIView be a UITableViewDelegate you make a UIViewController be a UITableViewDelegate . But instead of doing that manually instead make your new view controller.. a new view and view controller. You would not make a UIView be a UITableViewDelegate you make a UIViewController be a UITableViewDelegate . But instead of doing that manually instead make your new view controller a subclass of UITableViewController if you're..

UITableViewCell with custom gradient background, with another gradient as highlight color


as highlight color I have a custom UITableViewCell with a custom layout. I wanted a gradient background so in my UITableViewDelegate cellForRowAtIndexPath method I create a CAGradientLayer and add it to the cell's layer with insertSubLayer atIndex using..

iPad - More than one UITableView in the same screen


UITableView scroll smooth with certain speed?


will go. This is the .h file #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface AutomaticTableViewScrollViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource UITableView slotMachine NSMutableArray listOfItems NSTimer tableTimer @property nonatomic retain UITableView..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


is created programmatically in a UITableViewController subclass @interface phVolumeController UITableViewController UITableViewDelegate LocalLibrary lib NSString volumeID LLVolume volume id initWithLibrary LocalLibrary newLib andVolumeID NSString newVolumeID..

How to filter NSFetchedResultsController (CoreData) with UISearchDisplayController/UISearchBar


mySearchDisplayController @end I created a helpful method to retrieve the correct FRC when working with all of the UITableViewDelegate DataSource methods NSFetchedResultsController fetchedResultsControllerForTableView UITableView tableView return tableView..

Passing array between view controllers?


AudioToolbox.h #import AVFoundation AVFoundation.h @interface HelloWorldIOS4ViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource UITextFieldDelegate AVAudioPlayerDelegate NSMutableArray countProductCode UIPopoverController detailViewPopover..

adding images to UItableView


imageNamed @ MyReallyCoolImage.png return cell Unless you provide a tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath method in your UITableViewDelegate the default height of a UITableViewCell is 44 points which is 44 pixels on a non retina display and 88 pixels on a retina..

UITableView reload data


for iphone. one of my view controllers looks like this @interface NewComputerViewController UIViewController UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource so i'm using a UITableView to show data. when the view loads I use a button in the top navigation..

How to add a footer to the UITableView?


am I doing wrong thanks RL iphone uitableview uiview footer share improve this question You need to implement the UITableViewDelegate method UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForFooterInSection NSInteger section and return the desired view e.g...

UITableView - change section header color


The accepted answer is out of date. iphone cocoa touch share improve this question Hopefully this method from the UITableViewDelegate protocol will get you started UIView tableView UITableView tableView viewForHeaderInSection NSInteger section UIView headerView..

What describes the Application Delegate best? How does it fit into the whole concept?


object that another object defers to on questions of behavior and informs about changes in its state. For instance a UITableViewDelegate is responsible for answering questions about how the UITableView should behave when selections are made or rows are reordered...

didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not being called


. In MainViewController.h @interface MainViewController UIViewController UIGestureRecognizerDelegate UITableViewDelegate UITableViewDataSource other stuff here... @property weak nonatomic IBOutlet UITableView myTableView In MainViewController.m..

Setting background color of a table view cell on iPhone


can I do that Thanks. iphone share improve this question Add this method to your table view delegate #pragma mark UITableViewDelegate void tableView UITableView tableView willDisplayCell UITableViewCell cell forRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath cell.backgroundColor..