

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitableviewscrollpositiontop

iPhone: Hide UITableView search bar by default


'hides' the searchbar yourTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Make sure to not scroll the tableview before it contains data scrollToRowAtIndexPath will raise an exception..

How do I select a UITableViewCell by default?


first section myTableView selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop I'm using this technique to select one of two cells so the users knows which cell a UIDatePicker below the table view it..

UITableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath


indexPathForRow rowToHighlight inSection 0 contentTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath ndxPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES void viewWillDisappear BOOL animated NSIndexPath selectedRowPath contentTableView indexPathsForVisibleRows..

Select all the cells in UITableView


method menuTable selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop However you can't select multiple cells in a UITableView. If you want to show and process on off state of cells you should..

Need approach to show tables using segmented control?


NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath topIndexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Then in your tableView callbacks you need to have logic per segment value to return the right thing. I'll show..

Application run on simulator but not on device in iphone


_tableView selectRowAtIndexPath self.delegate initialSelectedIndexPath animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop #pragma mark Instance Methods void configureViewController UIViewController viewController UIButton tempButton UIButton..

How to Start UITableView on the Last Cell?


indexPathForRow rowNumberHere inSection sectionNumberHere theTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath ip atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO rowNumberHere is the row# in the data source you want to scroll to. atScrollPosition is just one of the values.. ip NSIndexPath indexPathForRow lastRowNumber inSection 0 tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath ip atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Please note numberOfRowsInSection returns row count not the last row# which is row count 1 . share improve..

iPhone SDK - How to scroll a UITableView programmatically with animation?


NSIndexPath indexPathForRow row inSection 0 self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath indexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES The problem with this code is that the table jumps right to the right position without any animation. Is.. indexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow n inSection 0 self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath indexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES To be sure that this is called only once you can make a verification like this if isInitialized isInitialized..

Clicking on UITextField in a UITableViewCell


first responder. I have to then move code like this self tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath indexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES into both my tableView delegate method and in my UITextField delegate method textFieldDidBeginEditing . Is..

UITableView , Scroll to bottom on reload?


TableView Crashing/Freezing Because Of Core Data Error


self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES void viewDidUnload self.eventsArray nil super viewDidUnload #pragma mark Table view data source NSInteger..

Why Isn't Core Data Fetching My Data?


self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES #pragma mark View lifecycle void viewDidLoad CurlAppDelegate curlAppDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication..

Cell Not Being Added To TableViewController


self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES #pragma mark View lifecycle void viewDidLoad CurlAppDelegate curlAppDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication..

how to implement cyclic scrolling on tableview


NSIndexPath indexPathForRow self tableView self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection 0 2 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Of course the user would eventually hit the bottom or the top if he she kept scrolling over and over. share..

UITableView and keyboard scrolling issue


UITableView - scroll to the top


exception when I call mainTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Is there another way to scroll to the top of table view iphone objective c cocoa touch share improve this..

Programmatically force a UIScrollView to stop scrolling, for sharing a table view with multiple data sources


scrolling not just the offset of the content. self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath savedIndexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO OR self.tableView scrollRectToVisible savedFrame animated NO They should actually effect the scrolling and by..