

c# Programming Glossary: representations

How should I handle my Entity/Domain Objects using IoC/Dependency Injection?


Entities in the DDD terminology but simply strongly typed representations of the database. If you ask me that is an implementation detail..

Why do we need boxing and unboxing in C#?


i.e. reference types and value types have very different representations and you don't want a common way to represent the two then you..

How to make the C# Switch Statement use IgnoreCase


followed by a combining diacritic character. These two representations are equal for all purposes and the culture aware string comparisons..

Regex for numbers only


Arabic numerals 0 9. If you need to include any numeric representations other than just digits like decimal values for starters then..

Best way to display decimal without trailing zeros in c#


formatter that will output decimals as these string representations in c# without doing any rounding decimal string 20 20 20.00..

How deterministic is floating point inaccuracy?


this in gcc 3 vs 4. 4. The IEEE itself allows some binary representations to differ... specifically NaN values but I can't recall the..

What does Expression.Quote() do that Expression.Constant() can?™t already do?


have different meanings and therefore have different representations in an expression tree . Having the same representation for two..

C# Maths gives wrong results!


share improve this question If you're looking for exact representations of values which are naturally decimal you will need to replace..

Is toString() only useful for debugging?


What is the difference between Decimal, Float and Double in C#?


in a decimal form and expect exact results in decimal representations not all decimal numbers are exactly representable in binary..

How to Quickly Remove Items From a List


generate a list of strings that simply contains string representations of each number 1 2 3 ... . I then attempted to remove every..

Formatting IPv6 as an int in C# and storing it in SQL Server


is really a 128 bit number. There are different string representations of the addresses but the actual address is the number not the..

Can't convert value type array to params object[]


as the representation of reference to Giraffe . But the representations of int and reference to object are completely different. One.. illegal. Now you might then say well what happens when the representations are the same for value types In fact this is illegal in C# int..