

c# Programming Glossary: req

How do you set the Content-Type header for an HttpClient request?


do you set the Content Type header for an HttpClient request I'm trying to set the Content Type header of an HttpClient.. to set the Content Type header of an HttpClient object as required by an API I am calling. I tried setting the Content Type.. the following exception Misused header name. Make sure request headers are used with HttpRequestMessage response headers..

Send a file via HTTP POST with C#


object created using something like this HttpWebRequest req WebRequest.Create uri as HttpWebRequest and also set the Method.. the far I can go. This is my piece of code HttpWebRequest req WebRequest.Create uri as HttpWebRequest req.KeepAlive false.. HttpWebRequest req WebRequest.Create uri as HttpWebRequest req.KeepAlive false req.Method POST req.Credentials new NetworkCredential..

Get http:/…/File Size


talking to supports allows this System.Net.WebRequest req System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create http stackoverflow.com robots.txt.. http stackoverflow.com robots.txt req.Method HEAD using System.Net.WebResponse resp req.GetResponse.. req.Method HEAD using System.Net.WebResponse resp req.GetResponse int ContentLength if int.TryParse resp.Headers.Get..

(C#) How to check if System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData is downloading a binary file?


override WebRequest GetWebRequest Uri address WebRequest req base.GetWebRequest address if HeadOnly req.Method GET req.Method.. WebRequest req base.GetWebRequest address if HeadOnly req.Method GET req.Method HEAD return req Alternatively you can.. req base.GetWebRequest address if HeadOnly req.Method GET req.Method HEAD return req Alternatively you can check the header..

How to get mx records for a dns name with System.Net.DNS?


I spent all day figuring out how to send receive dns requests and came up with this. Its a complete generic handler... list.AddRange new byte 0 0 Convert.ToByte qtype 0 1 byte req new byte list.Count for int i 0 i list.Count i req i list i.. 1 byte req new byte list.Count for int i 0 i list.Count i req i list i udpc.Send req req.Length RECEIVE RESPONSE IPEndPoint..

How do you programmatically fill in a form and 'POST' a web page?


the code will look something like this WebRequest req WebRequest.Create http mysite myform.aspx string postData item1.. Item3 33333 byte send Encoding.Default.GetBytes postData req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded.. send Encoding.Default.GetBytes postData req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.ContentLength..

how to change originating IP in HttpWebRequest


My code right now is something like System.Net.WebRequest request System.Net.WebRequest.Create link HttpWebRequest request.. request System.Net.WebRequest.Create link HttpWebRequest request .Referer http application.com using System.Net.WebResponse.. http application.com using System.Net.WebResponse response request.GetResponse StreamReader sr new StreamReader response.GetResponseStream..

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


multipart form data . I did it like ... var postData var req HttpWebRequest.Create http www.imageshack.us upload_api.php.. http www.imageshack.us upload_api.php req.Method POST req.ContentType multipart form data postData key.. http www.imageshack.us upload_api.php req.Method POST req.ContentType multipart form data postData key my_key_here postData..

Login to the page with HttpWebRequest


a cookie and use some date from this page c# login httpwebrequest share improve this question Make a new default.aspx.. void Page_Load object sender EventArgs e HttpWebRequest req HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest.Create http sso.bhmobile.ba sso.. HttpWebRequest.Create http sso.bhmobile.ba sso login req.UserAgent Mozilla 4.0 compatible MSIE 6.0 Windows NT 5.1 .NET..

Why Does my HttpWebRequest Return 400 Bad request?


Does my HttpWebRequest Return 400 Bad request The following code fails with a 400 bad request exception... 400 Bad request The following code fails with a 400 bad request exception. My network connection is good and I can go to.. void button3_Click object sender EventArgs e WebRequest req HttpWebRequest.Create @ http www.youtube.com try returns a..

MVC3 Unobtrusive Validation Not Working after Ajax Call


.show 100 RebindValidation error function req status error alert Sorry Could not request items for your selection.. error function req status error alert Sorry Could not request items for your selection at this time. function RenderPartialForUOMByItem.. .show 100 RebindValidation error function req status error alert Sorry Could not request items for your selection..

C# - HttpWebRequest POST (Login to Facebook)


cookieContainer new CookieContainer HttpWebRequest req HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest.Create req.CookieContainer cookieContainer.. HttpWebRequest req HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest.Create req.CookieContainer cookieContainer req.Method POST req.ContentLength.. HttpWebRequest.Create req.CookieContainer cookieContainer req.Method POST req.ContentLength PostData.Length req.ContentType..

C# Login to Website via program


all works but the problem is that the page in question requires the user to be logged in to access this source code. What.. that back to the server as Cookie along with your GET request. The server will use this cookie to identify you from now.. 1 your email your password string cookieHeader WebRequest req WebRequest.Create formUrl req.ContentType application x www..