

c# Programming Glossary: repeats

How do I read a specified line in a text file?


has the value of X . But then there's 1 blank line and it repeats itself all over as a second record in the file and X can have..

Pipelines, multiplexing, and unbounded buffering


holds the value in an internal look ahead buffer and repeats the take operation for the input queue that does not have a..

Random playlist algorithm


two conflicting requirements first to be random with no repeats and second to not allocate any additional memory . I believe..

Is it worthwhile to initialize the collection size of a List<T> if it's size reasonably known?


size to 32 bytes. The previous array is garbage. This repeats as necessary several copies of the internal array will become.. it takes too much time to move such large chunks. This repeats as necessary several LOH objects will become garbage. They can..

When to use closure? [closed]


i is used for each. You could see any combination of repeats even 10 10's. You need to carefully scope captured variables..

Writing musical notes to a wav file


repeating pattern then the frequency at which the pattern repeats is interpreted by the cochlea in your ear as a particular tone...

Testing for repeated characters in a string


contains repeated characters. `ABCDE` does not contain repeats `AABCD` does contain repeats ie A is repeated I can loop through.. `ABCDE` does not contain repeats `AABCD` does contain repeats ie A is repeated I can loop through the string.ToCharArray and.. so order is not important so ABCDA AABCD The frequency of repeats is also important so I need to know if the repeat is pair or..

When Should a .NET Class Override Equals()? When Should it Not?


that statement although one post in Community Content repeats the assertion and references the older documentation. It seems..

Why SortedSet<T>.GetViewBetween isn't O(log N)?


foreach according to this msdn link The foreach statement repeats a group of embedded statements for each element in an array..