

c# Programming Glossary: reports

confused with the scope in c#


int i 10 for int x 10 x 10 x int i 10 Point1 complier reports error var objX new MyOtherClass var objX new OtherClassOfMine.. MyOtherClass var objX new OtherClassOfMine Point2 complier reports error I understand compiler reporting error at point 1 But i.. reporting error at point 1 But i dont understand why it reports error at point2 and if you say because of the organizaion inside..

Reducing memory usage of .NET applications?


for x64 and running outside Visual Studio the task manager reports the following Working Set 9364k Private Working Set 2500k Commit..

C# Winform ProgressBar and BackgroundWorker


event to it. Then when the background worker reports progress the progress form will be updated. share improve this..

Convert image to 1 bpp bitmap in .net compact framework


I had to do this in the past for generating black white reports printed via Bluetooth color or greyscale images were too large..

What tool to find code duplicates in C# projects? [closed]


to use it. I remember that CruiseControl.NET can display reports from Simian. Also Team City continuous integration server from..

What are the correct version numbers for C#?


way for example but the Environment.Version property still reports 4.0.xxx. More detailed information about the relationship between..

Is there a reason Image.FromFile throws an OutOfMemoryException for an invalid image format?


Google doesn't for example. So to keep it compatible it reports problems with error codes. That just never scales well library.. call that's another program's problem. So OOM is what it reports. For completeness these are the error codes enum Status Ok 0..

What is the best approach to handle session timeouts in asp.net


is when the users enter little or no data and just read reports or do small thinks with his mouse. In this case there is not..

Render PDF in iTextSharp from HTML with CSS


open source app called PDFCreator Make all your html reports printer friendly by providing stylesheets for print. If some.. stylesheets for print. If some of your multi page reports need to have headers on every page set them up in THEAD html..

Why is Func<T> ambiguous with Func<IEnumerable<T>>?


types. Therefore neither is better so overload resolution reports an error. The C# 4 compiler then has what appears to be a bug.. recovery mode picks one of the candidates anyways and reports another error. It's not clear to me why that is happening. Basically..

Large Object Heap Fragmentation


is related or not. If I dump the marked object CDB SOS reports it fine 0 015 DumpObj 000000005e62fd38 Name System.Object MethodTable..

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process


is being used by another process I have a set of nightly reports. Sometimes I get the exception The process cannot access the..

How expensive are exceptions in C#?


as the stack is not deep however I have read conflicting reports. Is there definitive report that hasn't been rebutted c# exception..

Try-catch speeding up my code?


optimization of stack usage took a look at this and reports to me that there seems to be a problem in the interaction between..

What to do when bit mask (flags) enum gets too large


DeleteTeam 536870912 DescriptionAttribute View Web Agent Reports ViewWebAgentReports 1073741824 DescriptionAttribute View All.. DescriptionAttribute View Web Agent Reports ViewWebAgentReports 1073741824 DescriptionAttribute View All Locations ViewAllLocations..

How do I group data in an ASP.NET MVC View?


in an ASP.NET MVC View In reporting tools like Crystal Reports there are ways to take denormalized data and group it by a particular..

Creating a PerfMon counter to record an average per call (C#)


transferAverageData.CounterHelp Reports the average execution time of transfer operations transferAverageData.CounterType..

Google Analytics Access with C#


someone has figured out a way to access Google Analytics Reports with C# Thank you in advance c# api google analytics google..

.Net Zip Up files


into a different directory in the archive zip.AddFile c Reports 2008 Regional Sales Report.pdf files zip.AddFile ReadMe.txt..

Dot Matrix printing in C#?


code. Visual Studio is shipped with a version of Crystal Reports but there are other better reporting systems I use the one from..

Viewing SSRS Reports in an ASP.net MVC Site


SSRS Reports in an ASP.net MVC Site Is there a way to put a SQL Server Reporting..

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Error


Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Error I am trying to run a crystal report.. jump xi crvs2010 us2_default.asp 1 SAP Crystal Reports version for Visual Studio 2010 Standard EXE installation package.. the software into the Visual Studio IDE. 2 SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 64 bit I have a page called..

How to create a .NET setup project with crystal report prerequisite?


is a folder called Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 Crystal Reports CRRedist IA64 in your Programs folder. There you will find a.. show up. There you may find a file called CrystallReportsRedistxxx.msm. Add this to your project and it should install.. for your version have a look at BusinessObjects_CrystallReports Adding MergeModul to setupProjects look at SetupMergeModul What..

Reporting (free || open source) Alternatives to Crystal Reports in Winforms [closed]


free open source Alternatives to Crystal Reports in Winforms closed In my winforms project I'm looking for a.. You could always roll your own. I'm getting rid of Crystal Reports in our project because currently we can't update our old reports..