

c# Programming Glossary: req.contenttype

Send a file via HTTP POST with C#


user.UserName user.UserPassword req.PreAuthenticate true req.ContentType file.ContentType req.ContentLength file.Length HttpWebResponse..

Sending gzipped data in WebRequest?


req.Method this.Method post req.Timeout this.Timeout req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.Headers.Add Content Encoding..

Sending File in Chunks to HttpHandler


http localhost 2977 Upload req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.SendChunked true req.Timeout..

WebRequest POST with both file and parameters


username password String boundary B0unD Ary req.ContentType multipart form data boundary boundary req.Method POST HttpWebRequest..

How do you programmatically fill in a form and 'POST' a web page?


send Encoding.Default.GetBytes postData req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.ContentLength send.Length..

Login to website and use cookie to get source for another page


cookieHeader WebRequest req WebRequest.Create loginUrl req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.Method POST byte bytes..

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


http www.imageshack.us upload_api.php req.Method POST req.ContentType multipart form data postData key my_key_here postData type base64.. jm php upload.php req.Method WebRequestMethods.Http.Post req.ContentType multipart form data boundary boundary using var reqStream req.GetRequestStream..

Login to the page with HttpWebRequest


Keep Alive 300 req.Referer http sso.bhmobile.ba sso login req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded String Username username..

How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.)


HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create baseurl req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded string login string.Format..

ASP.NET Post to Facebook Wall


feed graphId var req WebRequest.Create url req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded string postData string.Format..

Uploading picture to picasa web


HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest.Create url req.Method POST req.ContentType image png req.ContentLength length req.Headers.Add Authorization..

RESTful WCF service image upload problem


HttpWebRequest 45 if req null 46 47 req.Method POST 48 req.ContentType image jpeg 49 var reqStream req.GetRequestStream 50 51 var..

HttpRequest and POST


req.AllowWriteStreamBuffering true req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.ContentLength bld.Length.. using ASCII set the charset in the Content Type header req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded charset ASCII You should also..

C# - HttpWebRequest POST (Login to Facebook)


req.Method POST req.ContentLength PostData.Length req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.AllowAutoRedirect true..

Is WebRequest The Right C# Tool For Interacting With Websites?


http mysite.com index.php req.Method POST req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded string postData var value1..

C# Login to Website via program


cookieHeader WebRequest req WebRequest.Create formUrl req.ContentType application x www form urlencoded req.Method POST byte bytes..