

c# Programming Glossary: repro

VSTO Add-ins, COMAddIns and RequestComAddInAutomationService


on the COM component for the interface with IID Here is a repro both projects target .Net 3.5 a Create a new Office 2007 or..

Silent failures in C#, seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the program


in an OS callback. 32bits OS doesn't do this so it doesn't repro there. The OS team is investigating related issues. In the mean.. and doesn't indicate what's happened since then. I can reproduce most poster's behavior on my 32 bit system here and I can.. most poster's behavior on my 32 bit system here and I can reproduce the OP's behavior on my 64 bit Vista SP2 3.5SP1 Framework..

Why does Environment.Exit() not terminate the program anymore?


to my machine from this question . The easiest way to repro it is by starting a Winforms application add a button and write..

Ghost-borders ('ringing') when resizing in GDI+


can be seen next to high contrast edges. Here is the repro code that reproduces it perfectly. I'm using all the highest.. next to high contrast edges. Here is the repro code that reproduces it perfectly. I'm using all the highest quality settings..

C# XNA Visual Studio: Difference between “release” and “debug” modes?


though harder to debug. Good luck. Bugs that only repro in release mode are a total pain. share improve this answer..

WinForms ComboBox DropDown and Autocomplete window both appear


share improve this question No problem getting a repro for this simply by setting the properties from the PropertyGrid...

FileNotFoundException in ApplicationSettingsBase


an explanation for why this exception is thrown. You can repro the exception with this sample Windows Forms app. Start by adding..

Why is .NET exception not caught by try/catch block?


in the debugger settings among each person trying to repro it. In the 3rd case from your repro I believe you are getting.. each person trying to repro it. In the 3rd case from your repro I believe you are getting the following message NoViableAltException.. to play with to see how this looks for those who didn't repro the problem Go to Tools Options Debugging and turn off Enable..

Why can't C# infer type from this seemingly simple, obvious case


in VS2010 and the above sample is from a simplest case repro I made in LINQPad 4. Update 2 Added some more examples to the..

ASP.NET MVC3 jQuery mobile page's Ajax code binding using PageInit event


have kept AjaxEnabled to true. Sample source Code you may repro this issue by creating new MVC3 APP and replacing below three..

Is this object-lifetime-extending-closure a C# compiler bug?


part of the C# compiler 4.0 if that matters . The shortest repro I can find is the following Create a lambda that captures a..