

c# Programming Glossary: replicate

SQLite keeps the database locked even after the connection is closed


which I don't use . After reading your question I tried to replicate the problem using only SQLiteCommand objects and I found that..

How to preventing decompilation of any C# application


our competitors may want to copy disable licensing or even replicate the code functionality so the value of our product goes down..

System.Timers.Timer only gives max 64 frames per second


work to do. This is an playback application that has to replicate packets coming in with as little as 1 2ms delay between them..

Getting list of currently active managed threads in .NET?


or b expose the other Thread public methods you need to replicate. This example uses a . public Thread Thread get return this.m_thread..

Storing credit card details


I am building to replace this I am clearly not going to replicate this My question then is how I can securely store a credit card..

Compare password hashes between C# and ColdFusion (CFMX_COMPAT)


that I can authenticate users. Does anyone know how I can replicate the above coldfusion code in c# Thanks for any thoughts. c#..

DropDown Menu with ScrollBar in .NET


18 . I wanted to know if anyone out there knows a way to replicate what Microsoft does. That is how to place a drop down menu in..

Hashtable to Dictionary<> syncroot .


code that does this lock hashtable.Syncroot .... How do I replicate this if I am removing the hashtable and changing to generic..

Is there a way to get an array of the arguments passed to a method?


of SomeMethod as it is exposed as a WebMethod and has to replicate the legacy system it is impersonating. The legacy system already..

Why is .NET exception not caught by try/catch block?


an unhandled exception. The issue for me is that I can't replicate this issue anywhere else but in my full code. The call stack.. portions of my .NET 3.5 code to a .NET 2.0 project and replicate the same scenario. I was able to replicate the same unhandled.. 2.0 project and replicate the same scenario. I was able to replicate the same unhandled exception when running consistently in .NET..

How to open a new form from another form


child. The main benefit of this approach is that you can replicate it as needed and you can very easily model some sort of basic..

why there is no const member method in c# and const parameter


like to make in the type system. We would not want to replicate such a broken system. Fourth putting constness in the CLR type..

How can I resolve a “Provider load failure” for WMI requests?


a Provider load failure exception. I haven't been able to replicate the issue. The users have verified that the WMI service is running..

How can I get better results when shrinking an image


methods with the best method in Photoshop cs5 and cannot replicate it. In PS i'm using bicubic sharper which looks really good...

A transport-level error has occurred [duplicate]


on our dev system and we are finding it very difficult to replicate due to the sporadic nature of this issue. Still have not found..

Winforms: SuspendLayout/ResumeLayout is not enough?


hard to evaluate without sample code but that's hard to replicate too. I could make a video with a camera but trust me on this..

Data binding dynamic data


network between client server. So I thought I could easy replicate a 'cut down' version of the DataTable class by simply having..

“Could not load file or assembly System.Drawing or one of its dependencies” error on .Net 2.0, VS2010 and Windows 8


The system cannot find the file specified. To replicate the problem Select New Project choose .Net Framework 2.0 as..