

c# Programming Glossary: repo

What is the difference between HttpResponseMessage and HttpResponseException


CustomerController ApiController private ICustomerContext repo public CustomerController ICustomerContext repo this.repo repo.. repo public CustomerController ICustomerContext repo this.repo repo public Customer Get int id var customer repo.Customers.SingleOrDefault.. repo public CustomerController ICustomerContext repo this.repo repo public Customer Get int id var customer repo.Customers.SingleOrDefault..

Refactoring code to avoid anti-pattern


is FixedBankAccount which implements IBankAccount . The repository is made as a public property of the domain object and.. is made as an interface member. How to refactor it so that repository will not be an interface member The domain object FixedBankAccount.. member The domain object FixedBankAccount makes use of the repository directly to store the data. Is this a violation of Single..

DDD Approach to Access External Information


RepositoryLayer.IRepository RepositoryLayer.BankAccount repo IBankAccountFactory bankFact accountRepository repo bankFactory.. repo IBankAccountFactory bankFact accountRepository repo bankFactory bankFact public void IssueLumpSumInterest int acccountID.. CreateAccount RepositoryLayer.BankAccount repositroyAccount public class MySimpleBankAccountFactory IBankAccountFactory..

Polymorphism: Is ORM entity a Domain Entity or Data Entity?


following two comments. @mouters œIts weird that you have repository objects and domain objects should your repository not.. you have repository objects and domain objects should your repository not just return the domain objects li @SonOfPirate œThe.. objects li @SonOfPirate œThe factory should be used by the repository to create the instance based on the data retrieved from..

LINQ: Passing lambda expression as parameter to be executed and returned by method


So here is the scenario i have a series of different repository classes that each can use an isolated data context or.. be executed by the isolated context of the chosen repository and return an IQueryable result. How would the method.. Here is basically what i am looking to do IAssetRepository repo new AssetRepository true true indicates isolated context var..

Which files in a Visual C# Studio project don't need to be versioned?


. It's acceptable to me to add the project files to the repository since this repo is just for the two of us using Visual.. me to add the project files to the repository since this repo is just for the two of us using Visual C# Studio. But it feels..

Difference between Dependency Injection and Mocking framework (Ninject vs RhinoMock or Moq)


here. Now all over the place you'll have IUserRepository repo new MyUserRepo this is bad Why Ask yourself why you made an.. cope with change . Well now when you need to change your repository to something else. You have to replace all the lines that.. rep RepoFactory.UserRepo Now when you have to change your repository you have to change only your factory. Dependency injection..

To return IQueryable<T> or not return IQueryable<T>


return IQueryable T or not return IQueryable T I have a repository class that wraps my LINQ to SQL Data Context. The repository.. class that wraps my LINQ to SQL Data Context. The repository class is a business line class that contains all the data.. data tier logic and caching and such . Here's my v1 of my repo interface. public interface ILocationRepository IList Location..