

c# Programming Glossary: replay

Restful Login - proper implementation


How can I duplicate the F# discriminated union type in C#?


name callback The callback that will be invoked once the replay is received. param public void PostWithAsyncReply TMessage value..

Getting data from a microphone in C#


to record audio data from a microphone or line in and then replay it again using C#. Any suggestions on how I can achieve this..

Rhino mocks ??change behaviour of stubs


Ah I figured it out myself. Rhino supports record replay mode. While AAA syntax always keeps the objects in replay mode.. replay mode. While AAA syntax always keeps the objects in replay mode we can switch to record and back to replay just to clear.. objects in replay mode we can switch to record and back to replay just to clear the stub's behaviour. It looks a little hackish..

Entity Framework - Using Transactions or SaveChanges(false) and AcceptAllChanges()?


has already discarded the changes on context1 so you can't replay or effectively log the failure. But if you change your code..

Authentication Service using WCF


Ideally it should have a time component in it to prevent replay attacks. I'd suggest some something like hash value token issue..