

c# Programming Glossary: reportdocument

database login prompt with crystal reports


this.prepareReport public void imprimirReporte ReportDocument rpt new ReportDocument rpt.Load mvarRutaReporte rpt.SetDataSource.. public void imprimirReporte ReportDocument rpt new ReportDocument rpt.Load mvarRutaReporte rpt.SetDataSource clsReportes.dsReporte.. rpt.PrintToPrinter 1 false 1 1 private ReportDocument prepareReport Sections crSections ReportDocument crReportDocument..

Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 Error


code protected override void OnPreRender EventArgs e ReportDocument report new ReportDocument var path Server.MapPath Reports Sample.rpt.. void OnPreRender EventArgs e ReportDocument report new ReportDocument var path Server.MapPath Reports Sample.rpt report.Load path..

Crystal Report | Printing | Default Printer


reports share improve this question Take a look at the ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter SAP Docs or MSDN Docs for how to specify the.. how to specify the PrinterName and then Print using the ReportDocument object. If you can try and get away from how the FoxPro app.. if print true string value1 abc string value2 foo ReportDocument rd new ReportDocument rd.Load ReportFile.rpt rd.SetParameter..