

c# Programming Glossary: reptile

C# : Why doesn't 'ref' and 'out' support polymorphism?


question. Let's suppose you have classes Animal Mammal Reptile Giraffe Turtle and Tiger with the obvious subclassing relationships...

How to make generic class that contains a Set of only its own type or subtypes as Children?


class Animal class Mammal Animal class Dog Mammal class Reptile Animal class AnimalWrapper T where T Animal public ISet AnimalWrapper.. type. Thus if I also had var child new AnimalWrapper Reptile it would at compile time fail to do foo.Children.Add child because.. at compile time fail to do foo.Children.Add child because Reptile is not and does not inherit from Mammal . However obviously..

Why does C# (4.0) not allow co- and contravariance in generic class types?


a _cache.FindAnimalByName name return a as T var findReptiles new Lookup Reptile Lookup Animal findAnimals findReptiles The.. name return a as T var findReptiles new Lookup Reptile Lookup Animal findAnimals findReptiles The reason for having.. new Lookup Reptile Lookup Animal findAnimals findReptiles The reason for having that in one class could be the cache..