

c# Programming Glossary: replies

Example of Named Pipes [closed]


Hello World to program 2 Program 2 receives message and replies Roger That to program 1 I know this is basically asking you..

operators as strings


me ever going to be running the code. Many thanks for the replies ... And the link to the new Dragon Book awesome EDIT 3 Matt..

What is the best way for a client app to find a server on a local network in C#?


UDP packet they send a reply. The client can collect the replies from all the servers and start connecting to them or based on..

Immutable object pattern in C# - what do you think?


List replies in a winform


replies in a winform In my C# app I get an xml from a server that contains.. In my C# app I get an xml from a server that contains some replies like in a forum thread with elements like author time body title.. xml I create a new form in which i want to display these replies and a little text box with an add reply button. I'd also like..

Is a double really unsuitable for money?


an example edit this post was originally tagged C# some replies refer to specific details of decimal which therefore means System.Decimal..

SMS Gateway for Windows + C#


Pros More reliable Consistent formatting Easily handle replies Virtually indistinguishable to a carrier from text messages..

Why does (does it really?) List<T> implement all these interfaces, not just IList<T>?


b3 I3 b it compiles. UPDATED Guys as i understand all the replies stay that it class Program interface I1 interface I2 I1 interface..

Can I reuse HttpWebRequest without disconnecting from the server?


using statement in the code above the server promptly replies with WWW Authenticate and then the client reposts the request..

Linq-to-Sql: recursively get children


int commentID var db new DataClassesDataContext var replies db.Comments .Where c c.ParentCommentID commentID searchedCommentIDs.Contains.. commentID foreach Comment reply in replies searchedCommentIDs.Add CommentID yield return reply yield return..

Predicate Delegates in C#


Descriptive source code will be appreciated Thanks for all replies c# .net predicate share improve this question A predicate..

iTextSharp generated PDF: How to send the pdf to the client and add a prompt?


i want http examples.extjs.eu ex download thanks to your replies I modified my code to this HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType..

How to decide where to store per-user state? Registry? AppData? Isolated Storage?


storing user configurable app settings . I will summarize replies. c# wpf windows winforms registry share improve this question..