

c# Programming Glossary: repeated

How can I obtain all the possible combination of a subset?


I don't get a consistent bias between 1 or 2 but after repeated runs LB's answer wins I get answers approaching something like..

Bluetooth APIs in Windows/.Net?


switch / pattern matching idea


idea To me this is a lot clearer than the equivalent using repeated if else or a composite ternary conditional which gets very messy.. single composite conditional Expression rather than using repeated invocation. I haven't checked recently but in some early Entity.. more efficient usage with LINQ to Objects since it avoids repeated delegate invocations tests show a match like the above using..

What are regular expression Balancing Groups?


we are using named capturing groups. Because .NET allows repeated use of the same name we could write a regex like word w W word..

What is the equivalent of memset in C#?


100 .ToArray The first parameter is the element you want repeated and the second parameter is the number of times to repeat it...

Finding quoted strings with escaped quotes in C# using a regular expression


up to the next backslash or quotation mark. That part gets repeated as many times as necessary until an unescaped quotation mark..

Add spaces before Capital Letters


it only changed a little . On a string with 'Abbbbbbbbb' repeated 100 times i.e. 1 000 bytes a run of 100 000 conversions takes..

Parse email content from quoted reply


doing similarity matching to determine the text that is repeated. In this case you might want to look into a Levenshtein Distance..

Is there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times?


there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times I'm trying to insert a certain number of.. and I'm wondering if there is a way to return a string repeated X times. Example string indent Console.WriteLine indent.Repeat..

Re-entrant locks in C#


class. As Marc points out Monitor allows re entrancy so repeated attempts to lock on an object on which the current thread already..

How to get the groups of a user in Active Directory? (c#, asp.net)


string username string result string.Empty if you do repeated domain access you might want to do this once outside this method..

Query extremely slow in code but fast in SSMS


when the data is not cached on the server and 524 ms for repeated queries. Here is my c# code using var conn new SqlConnection..

Globally catch exceptions in a WPF application?


error dialog and application exit. Experiment has to be repeated though likely with another subject. No errors have been logged..

How to know the repeating decimal in a fraction?


n 5 return true return false Now I'm trying to get the repeated number. I'm checking this web site http en.wikipedia.org wiki.. to the one you've done before you have what's being repeated. Example 7 13. 1. 13 goes into 7 0 times with remainder 7 bring..