

c# Programming Glossary: repository

Refactoring code to avoid anti-pattern


is FixedBankAccount which implements IBankAccount . The repository is made as a public property of the domain object and is made.. is made as an interface member. How to refactor it so that repository will not be an interface member The domain object FixedBankAccount.. member The domain object FixedBankAccount makes use of the repository directly to store the data. Is this a violation of Single Responsibility..

Persist Data by Programming Against Interface


project need to be persisted in the database. The repository receives the changes using IBankAccount interface. How can I.. domain driven design share improve this question Your repository should accept BankAccount not IBankAccount because Linq to sql..

How to do a Bulk Insert — Linq to Entities


mix models. Perhaps use SqlBulkCopy for this part of your repository since this plugs directly into the bulk copy API and Entity..

Repository pattern tutorial in C# [closed]


in C# closed Can anyone recommend good tutorial on repository pattern usage in C# c# patterns repository pattern share.. tutorial on repository pattern usage in C# c# patterns repository pattern share improve this question A good place is the book..

How do I do pagination in ASP.NET MVC?


lets say I get a list of elements from a database gateway repository like this public ActionResult ListMyItems List Item list ItemDB.GetListOfItems..

Does anyone know of a good C# API for Subversion? [closed]


closed I'm looking to make calls out to a subversion repository but I would like to write it in C#. Does anyone know of any..

EF Including Other Entities (Generic Repository pattern)


index c# entity framework entity framework 4 repository pattern ef code first share improve this question Use just..

Easiest way to create a cascade dropdown in ASP.NET MVC 3 with C#


year current month probably even fetch those values from a repository etc... but for the purpose of the demonstration this should..

To return IQueryable<T> or not return IQueryable<T>


return IQueryable T or not return IQueryable T I have a repository class that wraps my LINQ to SQL Data Context. The repository.. class that wraps my LINQ to SQL Data Context. The repository class is a business line class that contains all the data tier.. callers can add sorting etc The cons non testability Your repository is no longer properly unit testable you can't rely on a it working..

Can I pass constructor parameters to Unity's Resolve() method?


context _unityContainer.Resolve IDataContext var repositoryA _unityContainer.Resolve IRepositoryA context Same instance.. IRepositoryA context Same instance of context var repositoryB _unityContainer.Resolve IRepositoryB context Same instance.. _unityContainer.Resolve IDataContext New instance var repositoryA2 _unityContainer.Resolve IRepositoryA context2 RepositoryA..

Is there a .NET/C# wrapper for SQLite?


Robert Simpson. Robert still has commit privileges on this repository but is no longer an active contributor. Development and maintenance..

Refactoring code to avoid anti-pattern


principle CODE public interface IBankAccount RepositoryLayer.IRepository RepositoryLayer.BankAccount AccountRepository.. CODE public interface IBankAccount RepositoryLayer.IRepository RepositoryLayer.BankAccount AccountRepository get set int BankAccountID.. public interface IBankAccount RepositoryLayer.IRepository RepositoryLayer.BankAccount AccountRepository get set int BankAccountID..

Optimizing Repository?™s SubmitChanges Method


Repository ™s SubmitChanges Method I have following repository. I have.. forums topic.asp TOPIC_ID 113917 CODE namespace RepositoryLayer public interface ILijosBankRepository void SubmitChangesForEntity.. CODE namespace RepositoryLayer public interface ILijosBankRepository void SubmitChangesForEntity public class LijosSimpleBankRepository..

Persist Data by Programming Against Interface


interface directly to them. public class LijosSimpleBankRepository ILijosBankRepository public System.Data.Linq.DataContext Context.. to them. public class LijosSimpleBankRepository ILijosBankRepository public System.Data.Linq.DataContext Context get set public.. DomainInterfaces.IBankAccount .. READING Optimizing Repository ™s SubmitChanges Method How do you abstract out your persistence..

Unit Testing without Database: Linq to SQL


IEnumerable DBML_Project.BankAccount accounts AccountRepository.GetAllAccountsForUser userId foreach DBML_Project.BankAccount.. root new System.Xml.Linq.XElement root el AccountRepository.UpdateBankAccountUsingParseXML_SP root AccountRepository.Update.. root AccountRepository.Update Repository Layer namespace RepositoryLayer public interface..

Making Entity Class Closed for Changes


tpt.aspx C# Code public class PaymentAppService public RepositoryLayer.ILijosPaymentRepository Repository get set public void.. PaymentAppService public RepositoryLayer.ILijosPaymentRepository Repository get set public void MakePayment DBML_Project.Payment.. public RepositoryLayer.ILijosPaymentRepository Repository get set public void MakePayment DBML_Project.Payment paymentEntity..

Multiple Aggregates / Repositories in one Transaction


operation it necessitates two repositories. Gift Coupon Repository Payment Repository CODE Use GiftCouponRepository to retrieve.. two repositories. Gift Coupon Repository Payment Repository CODE Use GiftCouponRepository to retrieve the corresponding.. Coupon Repository Payment Repository CODE Use GiftCouponRepository to retrieve the corresponding GiftCoupon object. This involves..

An object with the same key already exists in the ObjectStateManager. The ObjectStateManager cannot track multiple objects with the same key


objects with the same key Using EF5 with a generic Repository Pattern and ninject for dependency injenction and running into.. utilizing stored procs with my edmx. my update in DbContextRepository.cs is public override void Update T entity if entity null throw..

.NET DICOM Libraries


Best Data Access Layer for .NET [duplicate]


Domain Driven Design: Domain Service, Application Service


are NOT typical CRUD operations those would belong to a Repository . Application Services Used by external consumers to talk to..

Repository pattern tutorial in C# [closed]


pattern tutorial in C# closed Can anyone recommend good tutorial..

Repository Pattern, POCO, and Business Entities


Pattern POCO and Business Entities I know there are a lot of.. move my operations to the repository class example QuestionRepository right If this is true does POCO mean a business entity with.. they are already generated by EF right All I'd need is the Repository to do CRUD And I'll be having three repositories for this example..

Entity Framework 4 - AddObject vs Attach


In reality i am using Pure POCO's no code generation Repository pattern don't deal with ctx.Persons and Unit of Work don't deal..

EF Including Other Entities (Generic Repository pattern)


Including Other Entities Generic Repository pattern I am using the Generic Repository pattern on top of.. Generic Repository pattern I am using the Generic Repository pattern on top of Entity Framework Code First. Everything was..

Can I use ASP.NET MVC together with regular ASP.NET Web forms


pages with good architectural design such as DDD Service Repository Dependency Injection etc. and the old stuff can stay as it is...