

c# Programming Glossary: repeatedly

Are static methods thread safe


the typical pattern is to create an object and use it repeatedly from one thread and if it does have to be used from multiple..

Generic LINQ query predicate?


for but I have the following piece of code in my library repeatedly and would like to practice some DRY. I have set of SQL Server..

WPF CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap memory leak


because when the CreateBitmapSourceFromBitmap is called repeatedly the memory goes up and does not drop off until the application..

Random date in C#


range For better performance if this will be called repeatedly create the start and gen and maybe even range variables outside..

Display progress bar while doing some work in C#?


is redundant you are actually calling Application.DoEvents repeatedly from the GUI thread which would be updating anyway . If you..

Randomize a List<T> in C#


is asking for trouble if the method is going to be called repeatedly. Below is a fixed full example based on a really useful comment..

When is it better to write “ad hoc sql” vs stored procedures [duplicate]


calls this query with the same literal hard coded values repeatedly each query after the first will re use the cached execution..

C# : What if a static method is called from multiple threads?


variable i.e. rather than reference whatever.SomeData repeatedly you read whatever.SomeData once into a local variable and then..

Random number in a loop [duplicate]


starts from a seed value. If the same seed is used repeatedly the same series of numbers is generated. One way to produce..

How do I create an expression tree calling IEnumerable<TSource>.Any(…)?


not familiar with the basics of compiler ASTs. Frans Bouma repeatedly made the same mistake when he first started working with expression..

Outer Variable Trap


output #2. Fix Declare an Inner Variable to be captured repeatedly instead of the Outer Variable which is captured only once. var..

How does this regex find triangular numbers?


define capturing group 1 and this group is matched repeatedly with . This subpattern is anchored with ^ and to see if it can..

What's the best way to calculate the size of a directory in .NET?


I have an application which is running this routine repeatedly for a large number of folders. I'm wondering if there's a more..

C# - Can someone tell me why and where I should use delegates? [duplicate]


you want to 1 pass to another function or 2 just execute repeatedly. LINQ is a good example. Every LINQ function takes a lambda..

How to check if two Expression<Func<T, bool>> are the same [duplicate]


expression tree so it can be pretty costly if you do it repeatedly but it can also be quite handy. The code is available under..

Multiple Cases in Switch:


multiple case statements without stating case value repeatedly I know this works switch value case 1 case 2 case 3 do some..

Is there a way to check if a file is in use?


file is in use I'm writing a program in C# that needs to repeatedly access 1 image file. Most of the time it works but if my computer's..

Getting NetworkCredential for current user (C#)


it in some secure cache if you don't want them to have to repeatedly provide it. Edit To get the credentials for the current identity..

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting


application execution many identical connections will be repeatedly opened and closed. To minimize the cost of opening connections..