

c# Programming Glossary: repeater

Inserting data into an excel sheet from a DataTable


into a DataTable and displaying it by binding it to a Repeater control. Now I need to copy the same data into an excel spreadsheet...

Creating a nested repeater control dynamically


question you can accomplish using this technique.... asp Repeater ID rptOuter runat server DataSourceID odsOuter onitemdatabound.. lblFirst runat server Text ' # Eval first ' asp Label asp Repeater ID rptInner runat server DataSourceID odsInner ItemTemplate.. server Text ' # Eval third ' asp Label ItemTemplate asp Repeater ItemTemplate asp Repeater Code Behind protected void rptOuter_ItemDataBound..

Repeater and Custom Control - Dynamically adding to the collection and retaining values


and Custom Control Dynamically adding to the collection and.. btnAdd CssClass btn Text Add OnClick btnAdd_Click br asp Repeater runat server ID rptrRequests ItemTemplate uc1 ucRequest ID ucNewRequest.. ucRequest ID ucNewRequest runat server ItemTemplate asp Repeater The idea is that when the user clicks on the Add button a new..

Conditional Logic in ASP.net page


Address 2 not to have a value at all . div id results asp Repeater ID repeaterResults runat server ItemTemplate Company strong..

Assign an event to a custom control inside a Repeater control


an event to a custom control inside a Repeater control I have a Repeater control which in some of its cells.. to a custom control inside a Repeater control I have a Repeater control which in some of its cells contains a UserControl which.. contains a DropDownList. On the ItemDataBound event of the Repeater control I'm assigning an event to the DropDownList like so protected..

change repeater li item class if first or last


int ItemCount get set Here is a repeater example asp Repeater runat server ID repeater HeaderTemplate ul HeaderTemplate ItemTemplate.. li ItemTemplate FooterTemplate ul FooterTemplate asp Repeater here is an example of data binding public override void DataBind..

OnDataBinding vs Inline: pros, cons and overhead


event when using WebForms. For any databound control eg. Repeater GridView etc I always implement the OnDataBinding method for..

Creating a nested repeater control dynamically


a nested repeater control dynamically I was wondering how we can create nested.. dynamically I was wondering how we can create nested repeater control dynamically I want to display Customers Sales Orders.. to display Customers Sales Orders Quantity in a nested repeater control. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks c# asp.net..

Repeater and Custom Control - Dynamically adding to the collection and retaining values


of the perks. I have a user control that has a button a repeater and the ItemTemplate property of the repeater is another user.. a button a repeater and the ItemTemplate property of the repeater is another user control. asp Button runat server ID btnAdd CssClass..

Conditional Logic in ASP.net page


I have some code that prints out databse values into a repeater control on an asp.net page. However some of the values returned.. to have a value at all . div id results asp Repeater ID repeaterResults runat server ItemTemplate Company strong #Eval CompanyName..

LINQ performance FAQ


myRepeater.DataBind This only iterates once when the repeater is bound it only ever uses the original container filteredFoos.. And if for some reason you decide not to bind the repeater later on nothing is wasted. You don't even iterate or evaluate..

Using C# to recursively get a collection of controls from a controlcollection


and dropdownlists from a recursive control collection repeater . This is the code I am using. private void GetControlList T..

Assign an event to a custom control inside a Repeater control


during the iteration of the page life cycle when your repeater is databound . If you attach your event handler declaratively..

change repeater li item class if first or last


repeater li item class if first or last Im using repeater to create.. repeater li item class if first or last Im using repeater to create dynamic ul li list Is it possible to control class.. data binding protected int ItemCount get set Here is a repeater example asp Repeater runat server ID repeater HeaderTemplate..

Which types should my Entity Framework repository and service layer methods return: List, IEnumerable, IQueryable?


my codebehind I have to do a ToList if I want to bind to a repeater or other control. Is this the best way to handle the return..

Binding a generic list to a repeater - ASP.NET


a generic list to a repeater ASP.NET I am trying to bind a List AreaField to a repeater... ASP.NET I am trying to bind a List AreaField to a repeater. I have converted the list into an array by using the ToArray.. string Value set get In the aspx I would like to bind it a repeater something like this DataBinder.Eval Container.DataItem MyAreaFieldName1..

OnDataBinding vs Inline: pros, cons and overhead


but one that is being databound to because it exists in a repeater template or gridview item template etc... Obviously a literal..