

c# Programming Glossary: reporting

How do I group data in an ASP.NET MVC View?


do I group data in an ASP.NET MVC View In reporting tools like Crystal Reports there are ways to take denormalized.. Data3 Category2 Data4 Category2 Data5 Category2 Data6 The reporting software will group it like this Category1 Data1 Data2 Date3.. or a nested foreach c# asp.net mvc linq linq to sql reporting share improve this question If your view is strongly typed..

confused with the scope in c#


Point2 complier reports error I understand compiler reporting error at point 1 But i dont understand why it reports error..

Should Usings be inside or outside the namespace


have been running StyleCop over some C# code and it keeps reporting that my using statements should be inside the namespace. Is..

How do I use a Service Account to Access the Google Analytics API V3 with .NET C#?


requirePermission false allowLocation true section name reporting type DotNetOpenAuth.Configuration.ReportingElement DotNetOpenAuth.. statistics to library authors to improve the library. reporting enabled false dotNetOpenAuth appSettings add key log4net.Internal.Debug..

What is the best scripting language to embed in a C# desktop application? [closed]


rich desktop application and need to offer flexibility in reporting formats so we thought we would just expose our object model..

The notorious yet unaswered issue of downloading a file when windows security is required


to download it looks like http site.domain.com operations reporting csv Report720_2553217.csv I tried to use WebClient to download..

Is there a reason Image.FromFile throws an OutOfMemoryException for an invalid image format?


to mess up an image file. No way that a library's error reporting can be fine grained enough to cover them all. The fact that..

“Treat all warnings as errors except…” in Visual Studio


Fancybox - ASP.NET button not working


using completely different modal dialog EDIT OK people are reporting that some of the proposed fixes are working for them on certain..

Task parallel library replacement for BackgroundWorker?


When to use ReleaseComObject vs FinalReleaseComObject? [duplicate]


on your dev machine. Make sure you implement good error reporting when you deploy the code to your customer's machine. The virtue..

Main method code entirely inside try/catch: Is it bad practice?


that might occur for the purposes of logging or error reporting you should be using the AppDomain.UnhandledException event ... it is the right place to implement your logging or error reporting functionality after your application has crashed. EDIT As I..

Good crash reporting library in c# [closed]


crash reporting library in c# closed Does anyone know of a good crash reporting.. library in c# closed Does anyone know of a good crash reporting library for C# In C there is CrashRpt available so I'd like..

Forms Authentication across Sub-Domains


into site1.parent.com and then we need to send them to reporting.parent.com. Can I authenticate them to the reporting site even.. to reporting.parent.com. Can I authenticate them to the reporting site even though the log in occured at a sub domain So far all..

Large Object Heap Fragmentation


are remaining rooted somehow. Also note that CDB is not reporting the type when the heap segment is dumped I am not sure if this..

Best Free Controls for .NET [closed]


generator WPF XamDataGrid XCeed's WPF DataGrid Graphs and Reporting ZedGraph Microsoft's new Charting Controls ASP.NET Silverlight..

Password protected PDF using C#


like pdf writer. I am generating the PDF file using SQL Reporting services reports. Is there are easiest way. c# pdf generation..

Viewing SSRS Reports in an ASP.net MVC Site


in an ASP.net MVC Site Is there a way to put a SQL Server Reporting Services report viewer control on an ASP.net MVC view If not...what..

How do I embed fonts in an existing PDF?


embedded when generated I am creating PDF's using SQL Reporting Services 2008. There is a known issue with SQL Reporting Services.. Reporting Services 2008. There is a known issue with SQL Reporting Services in that it will not embed fonts unless a series of.. reporting services pdf renderer faq.aspx under 'When will Reporting Services do font embedding' is to post process the PDF to manually..

c# - getting the same random number repeatedly [duplicate]


AlphaNum InitializeComponent Initialise BackGroundWorker Reporting backgroundWorker1.WorkerReportsProgress true Initialise BackGroundWorker..

Creating pdf files at runtime in c# [closed]


to implement a customised pdf writer in C# without using Reporting Services' pdf output option. c# pdf share improve this question..

Reporting (free || open source) Alternatives to Crystal Reports in Winforms [closed]


free open source Alternatives to Crystal Reports in Winforms..

OData with ServiceStack?


will allow others use with their favourite Sql Explorer Reporting or any other tools that speaks SQL. Update Netflix has just..