

c# Programming Glossary: reported

How do I stop web.config inheritance


neutral PublicKeyToken 31BF3856AD364E35 which is being reported from the .net 1.1 runtime with the website path WEBSITE OLD_WEBAPP..

BUG: Cant choose dates on a DatePicker that fall outside a floating VSTO Add-In


not raised The answer to that question shows the issue was reported to connect a while back but still no solution with VSTO 4.0..

Single-assembly multi-language Windows Forms deployment (ILMerge and satellite assemblies / localization) - possible?


Consideration more than 2 languages At the time I reported the solution above I was actually only supporting two languages..

How do I update an ObservableCollection via a worker thread?


method during a background operation. The progress is reported on the UI thread via the ProgressChanged event. This may be..

removing the empty gray space in datagrid in c#


Invoke NotifyIcon's Context Menu


work properly I discovered it quite a while ago and nobody reported a problem with it yet. Set the NFI's ContextMenuStrip property..

Is there a reason Image.FromFile throws an OutOfMemoryException for an invalid image format?


the bitmap bits. Sadly an image file format problem is reported by the same error code. The friction here is that it cannot..

variable scope in statement blocks


10 error 'i' already exists That is not the error that is reported . The error that is reported is a local variable named i cannot.. That is not the error that is reported . The error that is reported is a local variable named i cannot be declared in this scope..

Why does C# XmlDocument.LoadXml(string) fail when an XML header is included?


the actual underlying encoding won't match the encoding reported in the header and will result in an XmlException being thrown...

Why are C# 3.0 object initializer constructor parentheses optional?


burden was anticipated to be small I don't recall any bugs reported in this feature in the years since it shipped. the feature does..

Get Size of file on disk


on the disk in C# preferably without interop as would be reported by Windows Explorer. Should give the correct size including..

WCF HttpTransport: streamed vs buffered TransferMode


to several concurrent requests even if Task Manager reported ~600 Mb for the process . The exception happened in the custom..

HtmlAgilityPack — Does <form> close itself for some reason?


agility pack share improve this question This is also reported in this workitem . It contains a suggested workaround from DarthObiwan...

Can I customize automatic event handler generation in Visual Studio?


when you type after an event name and press TAB EDIT2 I reported this as a suggestion on Connect you can vote for it if you also..

Is the size of a Form in Visual Studio designer limited to screen resolution?


feedback on the .NET Framework The issue that you have reported is actually By Design. In MSDN at http msdn.microsoft.com en..

Erratic Invalid Viewstate issue in a .NET application


I still see this exception occasionally but this bug is reported as being fixed http blogs.msdn.com b ieinternals archive 2010..

Why is memory access in the lowest address space (non-null though) reported as NullReferenceException by .NET?


memory access in the lowest address space non null though reported as NullReferenceException by .NET This causes an AccessViolationException.. is reserved. An access to any address in that range is reported with a null reference exception instead of the underlying access..