

c# Programming Glossary: repositorytype

C#/EF and the Repository Pattern: Where to put the ObjectContext in a solution with multiple repositories?


public interface IRepositoryProvider IRepository this Type repositoryType get Repository Factory Interface The implementation has dependency.. IFilteredRepositoryFactory bool CanCreateRepository Type repositoryType IRepository CreateRepository Type repositoryType ObjectContext.. Type repositoryType IRepository CreateRepository Type repositoryType ObjectContext context So the implementation looks like Repository..

How do I create a generic class from a string in C#? [duplicate]


Repository Type typeArgs Type.GetType TypeRepository Type repositoryType genericType.MakeGenericType typeArgs object repository Activator.CreateInstance.. typeArgs object repository Activator.CreateInstance repositoryType Answering the question in comment. MethodInfo genericMethod.. the question in comment. MethodInfo genericMethod repositoryType.GetMethod GetMeSomething MethidInfo closedMethod genericMethod.MakeGenericMethod..