

c# Programming Glossary: reporttype

How do I save/serialize a custom class to the settings file?


small class that holds two strings as follows public class ReportType private string displayName public string DisplayName get return.. public string ReportName get return reportName public ReportType string displayName string reportName this.displayName displayName.. class to my settings file so that I can do the following ReportType reportType Settings.Default.SelectedReportType Googling seems..

How to implement a ConfigurationSection with a ConfigurationElementCollection


RT.Core Services AddService Port 6996 ReportType File AddService Port 7001 ReportType Other Services ServicesSection.. AddService Port 6996 ReportType File AddService Port 7001 ReportType Other Services ServicesSection configuration I have a ServiceConfig.. public ServiceConfig int port string reportType Port port ReportType reportType ConfigurationProperty Port DefaultValue 0 IsRequired..