

c# Programming Glossary: req.getresponse

Send a file via HTTP POST with C#


file.Length HttpWebResponse response null try response req.GetResponse as HttpWebResponse catch Exception e So my question is basically..

Sending gzipped data in WebRequest?


gz.Close reqStream.Close System.Net.WebResponse resp req.GetResponse handle response... I'm not entirely sure Content Encoding gzip..

Get http:/…/File Size


req.Method HEAD using System.Net.WebResponse resp req.GetResponse int ContentLength if int.TryParse resp.Headers.Get Content Length..

WebRequest POST with both file and parameters


.Write filedata 0 filedata.Length WebResponse response req.GetResponse Stream data response.GetResponseStream StreamReader sReader..

How to create a Uri instance parsed with GenericUriParserOptions.DontCompressPath


b. c.#adf var req HttpWebRequest WebRequest.Create z req.GetResponse This actually almost works. The Uri instance reports https..

How do you programmatically fill in a form and 'POST' a web page?


send 0 send.Length sout.Flush sout.Close WebResponse res req.GetResponse StreamReader sr new StreamReader res.GetResponseStream string..

Login to website and use cookie to get source for another page


os.Write bytes 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp req.GetResponse cookieHeader resp.Headers Set cookie String responseStream using..

Has anybody implemented 2 Legged OAuth using DNOA?


messageEndpoint.HttpMethod using var resp HttpWebResponse req.GetResponse switch resp.StatusCode case HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized Assert.Fail..

how to change originating IP in HttpWebRequest


return new IPEndPoint IPAddress.Any 0 Console.WriteLine req.GetResponse .ResponseUri Basically the delegate has to return an IPEndPoint...

Using HttpWebRequest to POST data/upload image using multipart/form-data


reqData 0 reqData.Length var res HttpWebResponse req.GetResponse var resStream res.GetResponseStream var reader new StreamReader.. tmp reqWriter.Write boundary reqWriter.Flush var res req.GetResponse using var resStream res.GetResponseStream var reader new StreamReader..

Login to the page with HttpWebRequest


y 11 sw.Close HttpWebResponse response HttpWebResponse req.GetResponse StreamReader reader new StreamReader response.GetResponseStream..

How to Download the File using HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class(Cookies,Credentials,etc.)


req.CookieContainer new CookieContainer WebResponse resp req.GetResponse resp.Close The other method gets the file from server string.. path req.CookieContainer cookie WebResponse resp req.GetResponse string t new StreamReader resp.GetResponseStream Encoding.Default..

Uploading files to Sharepoint (WSS 3.0) document library using HTTP PUT


if status success outStream.Close WebResponse ores req.GetResponse return success else return status catch WebException..

RESTful WCF service image upload problem


57 reqStream.Close 58 var resp HttpWebResponse req.GetResponse 59 var r new XmlTextReader resp.GetResponseStream 60 if r.Read..

Why Does my HttpWebRequest Return 400 Bad request?


a 400 bad request... Any ideas WebResponse response req.GetResponse catch WebException ex Log ex.Message c# httpwebrequest ..

C# - Connection: keep-alive Header is Not Being Sent During HttpWebRequest


C# - HttpWebRequest POST (Login to Facebook)


HttpWebResponse webResp HttpWebResponse req.GetResponse Stream datastream webResp.GetResponseStream StreamReader reader..

C# Login to Website via program


os.Write bytes 0 bytes.Length WebResponse resp req.GetResponse cookieHeader resp.Headers Set cookie Here's an example of what..