

c# Programming Glossary: repositories

Multiple Aggregates / Repositories in one Transaction


Payment. For the MakePayment operation it necessitates two repositories. Gift Coupon Repository Payment Repository CODE Use GiftCouponRepository.. corresponding GiftCoupon object. This involves use of two repositories for one transaction. Is it a good practice If not how can we.. don't believe there is anything wrong with using multiple repositories to fetch data in a transaction . Often during a transaction..

DDD - How to implement high-performing repositories for searching


How to implement high performing repositories for searching I have a question regarding DDD and the repository.. feel like I'm going against the principles of DDD. My repositories inherit from a generic base Repository where T IAggregateRoot... The application layer WCF services can then call these repositories that just populate the summary DTOs directly rather than mapping..

How to check for the presence of an OrderBy in a ObjectQuery<T> expression tree


ObjectQuery T expression tree I'm using t4 for generating repositories for LINQ to Entities entities. The repository contains amongst..

Domain Driven Design: Domain Service, Application Service


within the domain assembly and if so would I also inject repositories into that domain service Some info would be really helpful...

Repository Pattern, POCO, and Business Entities


need is the Repository to do CRUD And I'll be having three repositories for this example one for each entity c# .net asp.net mvc entity..

C#/EF and the Repository Pattern: Where to put the ObjectContext in a solution with multiple repositories?


Where to put the ObjectContext in a solution with multiple repositories I have multiple repositories in my application. Where should.. in a solution with multiple repositories I have multiple repositories in my application. Where should I put the ObjectContext Right.. reference into each repository or Subscribing the repositories' events to EventHandler s that call the appropriate methods..

StructureMap Auto registration for generic types using Scan


Is it possible to use Scan to auto register all my fake repositories for its respective IRepository Edit this is as far as I got..

Where to put global rules validation in DDD


read entities with undesired dependencies on services and repositories. If needed you can inject dependencies on services or repositories.. If needed you can inject dependencies on services or repositories into a specification. Depending on the context you can build.. This way you can let the specification depend on services repositories and context in general without making your entity depend on..

Which types should my Entity Framework repository and service layer methods return: List, IEnumerable, IQueryable?


you will have very complex public interfaces of your repositories you will need special repository type for every entity which.. special query exposed on the repository. This kind of repositories was more common with stored procedures each method on the repository.. scenarios require context to be shared among multiple repositories. In such case you can use something like context provider factory..

To return IQueryable<T> or not return IQueryable<T>


taken to not exposing IQueryable T or Expression ... on my repositories. This means I know how the repository behaves and my upper layers..

Multiple Aggregates / Repositories in one Transaction


Aggregates Repositories in one Transaction I have a payment system as shown below...

Loading Subrecords in the Repository Pattern


to manage Roles I worry I'll end up creating dozens of Repositories 1 per table almost except for Join tables if I go this route...

Domain Driven Design: Domain Service, Application Service


are all focused on domain logic. And yes you can inject Repositories into your Services. Application Services will typically use.. Services will typically use both Domain Services and Repositories to deal with external requests. Hope that helps share improve..

Unit testing with EF4 “Code First” and Repository


property. Now you will also have code i.e Custom Repositories that depend on the IWeightTrackerContext which in production..

What is better way to validate business rules in ASP.NET MVC application with 3 layer architecture?


with 3 layer classic architecture 1. data access Repositories 2. Business logic Services 3. Application layer MVC Controller..

ADO.Net Entity Framework An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker


I'm using a loosely coupled MVC design with Services and Repositories. I've read a lot of posts about this exception but none give..

How do you get around multiple database connections inside a TransactionScope if MSDTC is disabled?


inside the ProcessWorkflow method because it calls various Repositories which in turn access different databases and my sql server box..

Piping in a file on the command-line using System.Diagnostics.Process


C Servers CollabNet Subversion Server svnadmin load C Repositories TestLoad C Temp test.dump This function works fine with all..