

c# Programming Glossary: repeat

Best Practices of Test Driven Development Using C# and RhinoMocks [closed]


first then write just enough code to pass the test and repeat. Otherwise I'd be afraid that my unit tests would look more..

How do I read a specified line in a text file?


has the value of X . But then there's 1 blank line and it repeats itself all over as a second record in the file and X can have.. array. Then I'm going to store it in an SQL database and repeat with the NEXT record until I reach the Y th record the number.. then delete the lines that I just read. I could then repeat the process for each subsequent record. Of course this relies..

What is the equivalent of memset in C#?


100 .ToArray The first parameter is the element you want repeated and the second parameter is the number of times to repeat.. and the second parameter is the number of times to repeat it. This is OK for small arrays but you should use the looping..

Is it worthwhile to initialize the collection size of a List<T> if it's size reasonably known?


size to 32 bytes. The previous array is garbage. This repeats as necessary several copies of the internal array will become.. it takes too much time to move such large chunks. This repeats as necessary several LOH objects will become garbage. They.. to fragment the virtual memory address space. This doesn't repeat endlessly sooner or later the List class needs to re allocate..

What are the differences between value types and reference types in C#? [duplicate]


The stack is an implementation detail and don't ever again repeat the canard that stack allocation is what differentiates value..

Change color of text within a WinForms RichTextBox


and then set the SelectionColor as appropriate. Rinse and repeat for each string added. int length richTextBox.TextLength at..

Log4Net: Programmatically specify multiple loggers (with multiple file appenders)


Is there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times?


there an easy way to return a string repeated X number of times I'm trying to insert a certain number of.. and I'm wondering if there is a way to return a string repeated X times. Example string indent Console.WriteLine indent.Repeat.. .net share improve this question If you only intend to repeat the same character you can use the string constructor that accepts..

Generate N random and unique numbers within a range


in a loop and store that number in an array list then repeat and check if it already exists or not etc.. Is there a better..

Best way to parse command line arguments in C#? [closed]


bool show_help false List string names new List string int repeat 1 var p new OptionSet n name the NAME of someone to greet. v.. n name the NAME of someone to greet. v names.Add v r repeat the number of TIMES to repeat the greeting. n this must be.. to greet. v names.Add v r repeat the number of TIMES to repeat the greeting. n this must be an integer. int v repeat v v increase..

Calling C# code from Java?


java but I would rather reuse the code if possible. Don't repeat yourself etc. Also I know I can expose the C# as a web service..

Efficient way to delete a line from a text file


line advance both locations by that count of bytes and repeat until end of file. Hope this helps. EDIT Now that I can see..

How to generate and validate a software license key?


hash and compare with the product key. If equal OK. But I repeat this won't prevent piracy I have recently read that this approach..

OData with ServiceStack?


end of the IQueryable is Tight Coupling post which I'll repeat here for preservation The whole idea of web service interfaces..

How to execute a method periodically from WPF client application using threading or timer [closed]


if dueTime TimeSpan.Zero await Task.Delay dueTime token Repeat this loop until cancelled. while token.IsCancellationRequested..

Constructor Injection in C#/Unity?


C# Metro (XAML) : Designing the page for any (% of the) screen


the controls Play Pause Stop Volume Next Previous Shuffle Repeat FullScreen etc. . Above the ListView I have 4 buttons for adding..

Parsing CSV files in C#


details for you Check out FileHelpers and stay DRY Don't Repeat Yourself no need to re invent the wheel a gazillionth time......

C#: N For Loops


it to zero and increase the value of the previous slot. Repeat until you've found the thing that is to be increased. Make sense..

Tips for optimizing C#/.NET programs [closed]


you clearly understand the performance impact of each. Repeat until one of three things happens 1 you meet your goals and..

C# Memoization of functions with arbitrary number of arguments


Average ticks not memoized sumTicks numRuns sumTicks 0 Repeat call for int i 0 i numRuns i sw.Start emaFunc.Execute parameters..

Is it possible to “steal” an event handler from one control and give it to another?


Best way to repeat a character in C#


is only two lines which is nice. But are the calls to Repeat and Aggregate unnecessarily time resource consuming The StringBuilder.. Tabs uint numTabs IEnumerable string tabs Enumerable.Repeat t int numTabs return numTabs 0 tabs.Aggregate sum next sum next..

How to initialize a List<T> to a given size (as opposed to capacity)?


class public static class Lists public static List T RepeatedDefault T int count return Repeated default T count public.. public static List T RepeatedDefault T int count return Repeated default T count public static List T Repeated T T value int.. return Repeated default T count public static List T Repeated T T value int count List T ret new List T count ret.AddRange..

How to programmatically detect when the OS (Windows) is waking up or going to sleep


is unlocked. For the Action have it send you an email. Repeat for startup and when a user logs in if you want. Done. share..

Download/Stream file from URL - asp.net


if client has disconnected length 1 while length 0 Repeat until no data is read finally if stream null Close the input..

process.start() embedded exe without extracting to file first c#


by the just loaded referenced DLL's Remape those dll's Repeat 3 through 6 until done Call the code I'm assuming your question..

How to find out which assembly handled the request


return the same value for the same set of parameters . Repeat this mantra after me Explicit is better than implicit. You would..

what's difference between Environment.Exit() and Application.Shutdown()?


go to your FormClosing event and close Dispose them there. Repeat untill the app closes correctly Be aware that the threads list..

Hows to quick check if data transfer two objects have equal properties in C#?


b.Id return false if a.ProjectId b.ProjectId return false Repeat ad nauseum return true Is there a faster way to test if to object..