

c# Programming Glossary: replacements

combining two lamba expressions in c#


Expression sourceWithNulls IEnumerable Expression replacements if sourceWithNulls null replacements null using var left sourceWithNulls.GetEnumerator.. Expression replacements if sourceWithNulls null replacements null using var left sourceWithNulls.GetEnumerator using var.. var left sourceWithNulls.GetEnumerator using var right replacements.GetEnumerator while left.MoveNext right.MoveNext yield return..

Using my own method with LINQ to Entities


Parsing CSV files in C#


and so well thought out attributes like default values replacements for NULL values and so forth point the FileHelpers engine at..

git mv and only change case of directory


Regex replacements inside a StringBuilder


replacements inside a StringBuilder I'm writing the contents of a text file.. isn't fast enough consider using a StringBuilder for any replacements you can express simply and then use Regex.Replace for the rest... rest. You might also want to consider trying to combine replacements reducing the number of regexes and thus intermediate strings..

Memory Efficiency and Performance of String.Replace .NET Framework


these goals are also appreciated. Assumptions All replacements are constant and known in advance Underlying characters do contain..

A faster way of doing multiple string replacements


faster way of doing multiple string replacements I need to do the following static string pats å æ ä ö ø è ..

Replace multiple words in string


If you're planning on having a dynamic number of replacements which could change at any time and you want to make it a bit.. like this Define name value pairs to be replaced. var replacements new Dictionary string string replacements.Add Name client.FullName.. be replaced. var replacements new Dictionary string string replacements.Add Name client.FullName replacements.Add EventDate event.EventDate.ToString..

Highlight a list of words using a regular expression in c#


regex is desirable you can use it to enforce whole word replacements only by making a pattern that uses word boundary anchors. You..

Using SSL and SslStream for peer to peer authentication?


functions. I replaced them all with the suggested replacements. I replaced this line in the Server Program.cs file with the..